About the Baronetage | Add or modify your profile | The Old Baronetage Archives
Location: | Midwestern USA |
Joined DWG: | 30 Nov 2015 (but actually years ago) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Abbie C. read JA fanfic for YEARS, starting in high school (how long ago was that? The early 2000s!). In 2010-2011, she decided to put her college English major to good use and began writing "Fearful Symmetry." She posted with semi-regular faithfulness for a time as a newlywed during that season of life. Then some craziness happened, she worked two jobs, and life ran away with her story.
She's recently experienced another major life-shift and is now a stay-at-home mom to a new baby (born May 2015) while her now full-time employed (and no longer grad-student) hubby brings home the bacon. That means she can write again while the baby sleeps. It also means she can read FF at all hours of the night when baby is awake for feedings. She hopes to enjoy this probably brief season of her life with... [View full bio]

Email: | gailsauce-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | MO/IL, USA (also the Moon, but nobody talks about that) |
Joined DWG: | Summer 2008 (though I lurked for a very long time first) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I learned how to read when I was an itty-bitty thing, and I've been hooked ever since. After discovering the magnificent Miss Austen when I was twelve, I devoured all of her books (except Northanger Abbey) within three months — and got hooked on them, too. I spent the following two years, blissfully rereading Emma and Pride and Prejudice, occasionally throwing Persuasion at my brother's head until he read it, and every once in a while discussing Sense and Sensibility with my sister.
Then I discovered fanfiction.
It was love at first sight.
I still haven't escaped. [View full bio]

Location: | Dublin |
Web site: | http://www.facebook.com/JaneitesIreland |
Joined DWG: | 13 Jun 2008 (Lurked since late 2006/early 2007) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
Janeite (shockingly enough), maths student, wannabe writer

Location: | California USA |
Joined DWG: | 2005 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm an avid reader and writer of JA Fan Fiction. Though you will usually find me hanging around the JAFF mature sites, I do love to come back to DWG, where the stories are true treasures.

Location: | Bloomington |
Web site: | http://bookshop.dreamwidth.org |
Joined DWG: | 19 Jul 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
Austen was my very first fandom, way back in 1998, and you can still find my stories housed (under "Aja") at Epilogue Abbey and Fantasia Gallery! :)

Location: | Godzone (NZ) |
Web site: | http://gallicus.livejournal.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 (Unregistered lurker prior to that) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
First encounter with JA was the 1995 BBC adaptation of "Persuasion", followed swiftly by the novels of the same story and "Pride and Prejudice".
Have a few ideas for potential stories to post here, but am forcing myself to not put pen to paper till I have discharged at least some of my other fan fiction commitments (see blog for details).

Location: | South of England |
Joined DWG: | 08 Feb 2013 + over a decade of shameless lurkage! |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
Originally from North Waltham in Hampshire, the village nearest to Steventon. Unfortunately, we'd moved to the county next door before that held any meaning for me!

Alison Author of 1 story
Location: | United States |
Joined DWG: | 14 Jul 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |

Location: | Ohio, Illinois, and currently Wisconsin |
Joined DWG: | I lurked a while... |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
A 27-year old aspiring academic. Proud owner of two less than intelligent dogs. Proud wife of DH, who thinks this whole FF thing is silly. Proud writer of the story that broke that Lizzy/Bingley barrier and offended most everyone!
Likes: Dry wit, Leaving something up to the imagination, Subtlety
Dislikes: Severe OOCism, Overuse of Sentiment, Long descriptions of clothes, houses, or emotional break-downs [View full bio]

Location: | Missouri, USA |
Joined DWG: | 29 Jun 2011 (Lurked since maybe 2006, though) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hello! I have been a fan of Jane Austen since high school, when I set aside my fantasy/sci-fi books on a quest to read the classics. Unfortunately, I never made it to the bottom of that list because I got addicted to Jane.
Fiction inspired by Jane Austen has become sort of a guilty pleasure of mine, and now I seem to find myself even writing it! Hopefully I will be able to admirably contribute to this community that I've long admired (from afar).

Location: | Los Angeles |
Joined DWG: | 12 Jun 2009 (started lurking late 2005) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sanditon |
Favorite JA adaptation: | MP2 (1999) |
UCLA undergrad who has been pouring over Austen related things since middle school. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the person I suppose) I've read so many of the stories on this board that I can't always immediately remember what's canon and what's not. Keep up the good work! and one day maybe I'll join in on the fun and write something :)

Email: | alysonell-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Utah, USA |
Web site: | http://bennetgirls.com/Alyson/index.html |
Joined DWG: | Jul 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
Nickname: Al (never Aly)
Residence: An itty bitty rural town in Utah
Birthdate: 23 Sept 1968
Children: Oh, my, yes. Seven. (Yes, all mine, no adoptions, no his kids/my kids. One husband, seven children.)
Work: Constantly, but not for pay. I stay home with my seven children and I homeschool them. [View full bio]

Amy A Author of 2 stories
Location: | Derbyshire |
Joined DWG: | 02 May 2011, but I have been lurking about for much longer! |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Well I am a short, half-japanese,20 year old History student from England. I have a passion for all things regency, a healthy dose of sci-fi and fantasy (Doctor Who...) and would never turn down a cuppa tea :-) I love antiquing (yes that is a word), reading, cooking and going to gigs and pubs (the last two points are to prove that I am not in fact a 90 year old woman with 28 cats watching the antiques roadshow every day no matter what the rest of my interests may indicate!)
[View full bio]

Amy A-NW Author of 6 stories
Location: | Pacific Northwest, USA, via Ohio and Boston |
Joined DWG: | 15 Jan 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am married and the mother of one daughter. I work in the nonprofit sector. In addition to writing, I love movies and cooking.
I first read P&P in high school as an assignment, and fell in love with it! My interest in Austen was revived with the 1995 mini-series, prompting me to read her other novels. I began writing JAFF in 2007. [View full bio]

Amy I. Author of 18 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | labaja97-JA-hotmail.com |
Joined DWG: | Spring 1998 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
(Words of wisdom from Margaret D: Don't annoy computer people. Otherwise we may retailate when you least expect it.............)
[View full bio]

Location: | Michigan |
Joined DWG: | 09 Jan 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Other |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I didn't know fanfiction existed until my neighbor (herself a JA fan) introduced me to Pamela Aidan's books a few years ago, and I was hooked! I've lived across the US and now call central Michigan home, but if I could figure out a way to get back to Chicago (or Indianapolis) I'd be gone. After all, it's snowing as I write this -- and it's April! There's something very unnatural about that. I have a husband and three young sons, so how I find time to write is still a mystery.

Location: | New Jersey |
Joined DWG: | 09 May 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Charlotte, NC |
Web site: | http://www.amyenichols.com |
Joined DWG: | 22 Apr 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
I am an aspiring writer of regency romance. I am working on my final draft of my first Novel, Intertwined. This story is set in South Harting in 1805 during the threats of the invasion of Napoleon. I also have a short story set in 1816 in the Lake District that I'm fine tuning.

Location: | Sonora, California, USA |
Joined DWG: | 2002? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Angelika Author of 2 stories
Email: | angelika-JA-janeites.net |
Location: | Frankfurt, Germany |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Clueless |
Student of business administration and therefore on her way to become a ruthless manager with a six-digit salary – and a super-duper secret obsession with fanfiction :D [View full bio]

Anita Misra Author of 4 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | anita.misra86-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | India |
Web site: | http://anita.misra86@gmail.com |
Joined DWG: | 24 Oct 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | None |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Well, when I started looking up stories on DWG, I was SUPPOSED to be doing my M.Phil thesis for 2 years. Now that phase is over (with a fat work on Shakespearean Adaptations to show for my, ahem, troubles) and, by a fluke of great good luck (or not - time will ultimately tell), I have landed a job as a Government college lecturer who will attempt to drill the English language into unwilling brains for years to come.
I have always loved Jane Austen's works, but my world changed the day I discovered the varied and never-ending world of Austen fan fiction. The instigator was fanfiction.net, but the standards are definitely higher on DWG. I can't quite believe myself, but in the past one year I have literally devoured hundreds of stories without reaching the threshold of satiety. My sole sorrow... [View full bio]

Location: | Northern California, twixt SF and Sac |
Joined DWG: | Sometime in 2000, I believe |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I used to be Anita on DWG, but that name was utilized later by another Dwiggie. Decided Anita N would be the best solution, and changed the name of my one remaining story.
Nearly 50 now. Married, no children, two cats, work as a minion for educational system. Rather bland, but tend to follow around and befriend sparkling or startling people who live life as I wish I did: grad studdents, performers, historians, costumers, recreationists and post-hippie hippies.
My co-workers might say I live amongst fruits, nuts and flakes, but I'm very happy amongst the granola.
First encountered Jane when I was 12. Read P&P, dismissed it as standard bland romance after the first page. 12 year olds do not understand satire, or think it was only invented in the 20th century.
I got it later.... [View full bio]

Ann R Author of 5 stories
Location: | Sydney Australia |
Joined DWG: | 25 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Married to DH David for 26 years, 2 teenagers in High School, university lecturer in organisational behaviour, and a doctoral student, and now a part time author.
Discovered JA's work thanks to the 1940's version of P&P, then went and bought the books, and the rest is history.
Introduced to DWG by the lovely Sybil, where I posted a story commenced for BOI but finishd for DWG.
Started writing for my own enjoyment, my family thought me mad (and still do), but fortunately the kind folk here think this is normal, so I am in the process of writing some follow ups.
Find the reading and writing a great mental break from studies, and a great place to make new friends. [View full bio]

Email: | campbaby-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Charleston, SC |
Joined DWG: | 25 Nov 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma2 (1996) |
Around a year ago, I got Lymes disease which pretty much keeps me in bed all the time. Around that same time I read a delightful little novel by Carrie Bebris (Pride and Prescience) and now JA fanfiction has become almost an unhealthy obsession. I hate angst and my friends know better than to take me to movies that don't have happy endings.My favorite hero is Captain Wentworth, even though he has an annoying habit of holding grudges.Other favorite authors include Alexander Dumas and Elizabeth Browning.

Location: | Near D.C. |
Joined DWG: | 27 Sep 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Actually been reading DWG posts for yeeeears. I actually used to prefer BOI, but I like how outside of the box the creativity is here. I don't think I could ever write a JA fanfic, and I've never been able to read one of the novels I can buy in the store that "officially" continue the story--but I love the fanfic.
I love Jane though, I love literature for the most part--but she is in my category of favorites that I never could abandon.
Not a great intro...maybe I'll make it better later :)

Location: | Arizona USA |
Web site: | http://apmaddoxbooks.blogspot.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 14 Apr 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma2 (1996) |
I've been a Janite for about 10 years and in that time I've come to love all things Jane Austen. I've learned a great deal from her stories and my life is forever changed. She inspires me!
I am a mother of 4 and I was born and raised in Arizona. I began writing long before I developed a love of JA's novels but it wasn't until I began an adaptation of Sense and Sensibility that I completed a full length novel- and wouldn't you know- I actually found someone who would take the chance on me and publish the thing! I'm tickled and very excited!

Annie Author of 21 stories
Location: | Illinois |
Joined DWG: | Summer 1997 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
To be continued... [View full bio]

Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | 28 Nov 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |

Location: | Italy |
Joined DWG: | 10 Aug 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
After lurking around for an indefinite amount of time I decided to make things right...
I'm a 28 year old architect and next year, if we'll ever get to finish the project, I'll get a specialization in conservation and restoration of monuments and ancient buildings.
All I have to add is that I love everything written by our dear Jane and reading good ff!

Joined DWG: | 06 Jul 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | 30 Mar 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am a teacher and researcher who is mainly interested in social inequality in education, multilingual and anti-racist education. I am married and have a daughter (11).
Education was a practical career choice which I do not regret. But when I was younger, I studied German literature and literary criticism. And the glow of first (academic) love has never quite faded.
I came across Jane Austen quite by chance. Her books were not taught in the German secondary school. And I do not blame our English teachers; our English was really not up to it. My first encounter with P & P was the 1940 movie. I liked it and proceeded to read the book. You might imagine my surprise(s)...
First I read the German translation, by the way, which I did not like so much. It is difficult to do Austen's style... [View full bio]

Location: | Ireland |
Web site: | http://crownhillwriters.com/CEN |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I found Jane Austen in a college course on the English Novel, and have been a wholehearted fan ever since. I used to teach college English, but now I get to be a homeschooling mom, which I adore. I spend my quiet evenings writing and reading.

BarbJ Author of 4 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Hurricane, WV |
Joined DWG: | About 1998 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I've been married since 1976 to my husband Larry. We have three daughters, and two grandkids. I'm originally from Idaho, but have lived in WV for more than thirty-one years so I guress you could call me a transplanted spud. I have posted three stories under the name Bodecia (back when we could have alias'). I've started many others but have not been able to carry through. I love Jane Austen, Anne Bronte and Anthony Trollope. I enjoy reading all the delightful stories posted here and hope to someday post another one. I listed that my Favorite JA adaptation is P& P2(1995) but I also like P&P1(1980) since it is what brought Jane (and Pride and Prejudice) back into my life. [View full bio]

Email: | barbspan-JA-aol.com |
Joined DWG: | 18 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P0 (1940) |

Location: | Minnesota, USA |
Joined DWG: | 12 Nov 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have always loved Jane Austen books and have been meaning to read alternates or sequels for years. I finally started last November (2010) and have been addicted ever since. Believe it or not, I have read over 110 fan fic novels in the last year (and all were based on P&P)! Now I have run out of books, so have been lucky enough to find the JAFF websites and have started reading online. I am amazed at the quality of some of the work I am finding - some is much better than the published works I have read.
My birthday is 9/11/56, so I am 55 at this writing. I am married - no kids. But, we have a 5 year old red miniature pinscher named Mercedes who we love like crazy. I am a librarian - mostly children's and young adult, but adult as well. I am a reading fiend, but other than reading... [View full bio]

Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | NA2 (2007) |
I've been an addicted P&P fan ever since my teenage years some 30+ years ago. My greatest pleasure was to be able to read it in the original as soon as my study of the English language had endowed me with the necessary linguistic skills. I was equally enraptured to discover Jane Austen's other novels, which I've read all and repeatedly over the course of time. "Emma", "Persuasion" and "Northanger Abbey" are my second favourites, at a par.
It might be quite unusual to denote NA 2007 as the favourite adaptation, but it IS the one where I like absolutely everything. Of course I love P&P 1995 and P&P 2005, very much so, but in both I find some things to criticize, and therefore I must pick NA to be the perfect adaptation. But I also do love "Emma 2009", as well as the adaptation with G.Paltrow... [View full bio]

Bekah Author of 1 story
Location: | South Dakota, USA |
Joined DWG: | 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I joined the DWG only a few years ago, but I've loved Jane Austen since I was 11. I'm currently college-hunting and hoping to pursue an English major. Not much else to say about myself, except that I'm an unrepentant bookworm and an avid (although not necessarily talented) painter. [View full bio]

Email: | beth.storheim-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Edmonton, Canada |
Joined DWG: | 26 Jan 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I've been interested in Jane Austen ever since I took a course on her novels in University and watched the 1995 version of "P&P" the same year (this was in 2006, by the way---I dimly new about the 1995 miniseries when it was new, but at 10 years of age it just didn't pique my interest).
Since then, I've joined my local Jane Austen Society, produced several newsletters for them, and am now taking on the Vice-President role of the society as well. I'd like to try my hand at writing some fanfic here at some point. I've never made a serious attempt at writing fan fiction before, but it sounds like a lot of fun! :)

BethW Author of 11 stories
Location: | Have moved around all over the Western United States, but currently live in Utah. |
Joined DWG: | 14 May 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am a stay at home mom with four beautiful little girls. I started my first (and so far only) Dwiggie story while recovering from strep throat.
Now that I am up and about I'll have to work out how to continue the story while watching my children, but it has been a good experience so far, so I will definitely continue. [View full bio]

Brenna Author of 1 story
Location: | Houston, Texas, USA |
Web site: | http://capturedlove.blogspot.com |
Joined DWG: | 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I, unfortunately, did not discover Jane Austen until college. Almost simultaneously, however, I discovered fan fiction. It was fate, and I've never looked back.
About me--I'm a lawyer and have a husband and dog and friends and family who fill my life with just about every emotion it needs. [View full bio]

Location: | On my couch, in my house. In Virginia. |
Joined DWG: | 15 Jul 2010 (after lurking for about a year) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
Former journalist turned stay-at-home mom and wanna-be dwiggie with a few story ideas rolling around in my head.

Buzzy Author of 1 story
Location: | I'm from many places, currently residing in Virginia |
Web site: | http://buzzys-bonnet.livejournal.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 02 Sep 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | None |
I've been writing fanfic since 2006 as a_bees_buzz, a.k.a. Buzzy, choosing to write under an alias for professional reasons - for a teacher in the American South, having my name associated with occasionally smutty writing could be a serious problem. I started lurking about the Austen fandom much later, first posting my own work in 2011.
As a professional historian, I'm a bit of a stickler for historical accuracy and did a lot of research into the Regency period before trying to write in this fandom. I'll try not to impose that attitude on anyone else, but am very happy to answer anyone's questions. [View full bio]

Candace Author of 1 story
Location: | Philadelphia, VA |
Joined DWG: | 2004 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Joined DWG: | 31 Aug 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
In my youth, a major contributor to Star Trek and Star Wars fanfic (under my maiden name); not interested in that anymore but in JA. I write in professional academic literature, since I'm faculty at a large Midwestern university.

Location: | Lubbock, TX |
Joined DWG: | 15 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Cas Author of 1 story
Location: | NC |
Joined DWG: | About 4 months ago |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I first found out about JA in 5th grade. A teacher recomended reading JA for school and I picked up P and P. I instantly fell in love with it and love it to this day (much to my friends misfortune :)) I talked my friends into doing a project about it and they agreed.. They all hated it. I then continued to read the other JA books. Second runner up was Sense and Sensibility.
I have never before posted to DWG but I am currently writing a story for the fantasia gallery. My nicknames Cas because I love the movie Casablanca. [View full bio]

Location: | Originally from Brazil, but live in Paris right now. |
Web site: | http://cathy-theprocrastinator.blogspot.fr/ |
Joined DWG: | 11 Nov 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I'm a 24 year old college student, currently working on a Phd in History. I've been a compulsive reader most of my life, and fanfiction is my (not so secret) guilty pleasure.

Location: | Australia |
Joined DWG: | 11 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Atlanta |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Clueless |
I've been into fanfiction in general for years but it and my Austen obsession have not overlapped until a few weeks ago. I was so delighted to be able to explore the characters and plots.

Location: | I am from Maryland and I live in California |
Joined DWG: | 07 Jun 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
P&P1 (1980) was my introduction to P&P and to Jane Austen. We'd had a copy of Persuasion in the house, but because I mistakenly believed it to have a modern setting, I had never read it. A friend gave me a copy of the complete works of Jane Austen in paperback, including Lady Susan, which was at the back. I read all of the books. I didn't care much for Lady Susan; so when it began to fall out of the volume I helped its exit along. Now it has come apart, and is more or less separated into the 6 separate works that are left. I did not come to like S&S until Emma Thompson brought it to screen both as actress and as screenwriter in 1995. I have never watched P&P2 (1995) all the way through; it's all wrong for Charlotte to be prettier than Jane and I just generally can't stomach it.

Cecilia Author of 11 stories
Joined DWG: | 19 Sep 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |

Email: | zeziliastrangelove-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Mexico City |
Web site: | http://ustedestaloco.wordpress.com |
Joined DWG: | Around 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
I'm 23, currently a Graphic Designer, used to be a Museum guide and my dream is to study a Master in Art History. Someday, perhaps.
Pride and Prejudice was the first "real" English book I read in my life, when I was sixteen. I understood half the words that were there, but it didn't stop me from finishing it in a couple of days. Ever since, Jane Austen works have accompanied me for several years, being always a source of entertainment, wisdom and fun. I've been lurking in the DWG for a couple of years, so that I can practice my English in an amusing way. Perhaps I shall, someday, post something of my invention for I got many ideas in my head.
Persuasion is my favorite book. So beautiful and yet, so sad.

Charlotte P Author of 2 stories, Contributer to ANI
I'm Charlotte, I'm 18 and have just finished my A levels in further maths, history and psychology, so now I'm preparing to go to Keele University to study Maths and History in September. First fanfiction is in the works - hopefully I'll have time to work on it soon! [View full bio]

Cheyn Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Israel |
Joined DWG: | 30 Oct 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Wuthering Heights ;) |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |

Chia-en Author of 1 story
Email: | cchang0122-JA-gmail.com |
Web site: | http://flavors.me/jojibear |
Joined DWG: | 02 Feb 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

ChristineT Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Depends. Let's say Xiamen, China |
Joined DWG: | 03 May 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Jane Austen is my favorite author of all time, so naturally, I discovered fan-fiction. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do to keep myself from it ;) [View full bio]

Cindy C. Author of 38 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Florida |
Web site: | http://www.bennetgirls.com |
Joined DWG: | 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I was born and raised and still live in a small town in Florida in the Tampa Bay area, with my dh, Derf, and our son. Everything else seems subject to change. [View full bio]

CK Author of 8 stories
Location: | Virginia |
Joined DWG: | Winter 1997??? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma2 (1996) |

Location: | No fixed abode |
Joined DWG: | 23 Aug 2011 (but lurking since the late 90s) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | None |
I was born slightly middle-aged, complete with greying hair. My interests are travelling (hence the lack of an abode), cats (other people's), gardening(functional) and knitting (out of necessity). I'm 3/4 bookworm, 1/4 squirrel.

Coleen V. Author of 16 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | moonlightwarrior-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | Michigan |
Joined DWG: | 1999 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Helllooooooooo everybody! Well I'm back with a new bio... Hmmmm... Something about me... Well I like music....uhhhh reading of course.... hmmmmm... I'm kinda boring but hey, who cares? Haven't been around much the last few years--new job, got married, blah blah blah. Fortunately the husband has a great tolerance for my JA addiction and actually enjoys seeking stuff out for me! Ahhhhhhhhhh...addictions...Mr. Darcy....Captian Wentworth...Mr. Collins...wait... MR COLLINS??? EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! *runs screaming into the night* [View full bio]

Cosima Author of 12 stories
Location: | Austria |
Joined DWG: | Lurking ever since 2000, active since 2002, I believe |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I first came upon Miss Austen's work in high school when we read P&P and watched P&P 2. Have been hooked ever since. I was originally a ROP reader but once the DWG had caught my eye, there was no turning back!^^ [View full bio]

Crysty Author of 19 stories
Email: | crysty.janeite-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Michigan |
Joined DWG: | Once upon a time |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Clueless |
Is there any happiness greater than watching Edward Ferrars chase chickens in the front yard? I think not.
I have one more story than Amy I., so :P
Other than that, I'm a very intimidating person who hates people.
[View full bio]

Joined DWG: | 15 Mar 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Washington State |
Joined DWG: | 2005 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
If I ever made the time to do it, I would love to earn a PhD focusing on Jane Austen; but that would mean less reading of FanFic and more reading of academia, so the temptation is not strong!
I actually teach Math to adolescents and love escaping into Regency England through the creativity of my fellow Janeites.

Location: | Worlds beyond these. |
Joined DWG: | 28 Jul 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | MP2 (1999) |
oh how i wish id have been born in the spartan age, arts and science booming france to rome, quiet contrey roads with my sisters and brothers. to be a female writer, or to sail the seas with my husbasnd, to be a scrib in egypt, and with my beauty take thee by the hand and walk. to walk with ovid and aeschylus a woman of understanding and beauty. the wilds of the forests that do not exist today, in this age in which i do not fit in. cannot be free.

Location: | Tennessee |
Joined DWG: | So many moons ago I cannot remember |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
I found Jane Austen after watching Emma in 1997. It was love at first sight! ;) My favorite JA novel is P&P, although Persuasion is a very close second.
I have a wonderful husband and five precious children (four boys & one girl).
I have started to write a few stories, but I have yet to complete one. I always wanted to get it completed before posting. Maybe one day I will get them, or at least one, completed!

Denver Author of 2 stories
Email: | jsewell3-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | USA -- Live in central Florida |
Joined DWG: | 02 Oct 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Retired at last. Doting great-grandmother of 5 darlings - most of the time anyway - I may be doting, but I don't want any future Lydia's.
Interests -- Music, particularly classical, but like most types, with usual older generation's dislike of heavy metal, rap, etc. Read science fiction, mysteries and thrillers, military history, (esp. Civil War), science, and economics.
I am tolerated by two 15 year old Siamese cats, and in return they step on the keyboard and nuzzle the monitor.
Many years ago I was a piano and voice teacher, gave a few recitals and concerts, played in orchestras. Injured elbow and segued to anthropology, but wound up as a death counselor in a hospice. Segued again into accounting and management, and became administrator in multi-doctor clinics. Got tired of dealing... [View full bio]

Location: | Australia |
Joined DWG: | 04 May 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Joined DWG: | 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers3 (2007) |
Northanger Abbey is tied with Mansfield Park as my second-favorite Austen novel. As my introduction to Austen, P&P2 holds a special place in my heart. I'm also partial to P&P1 and 3, MP2, and The Lake House.

Email: | dl_olson-JA-bellsouth.net |
Location: | Boca Raton, Florida |
Joined DWG: | 03 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Email: | elisa.sze-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | |
Joined DWG: | |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Location: | Madrid |
Joined DWG: | 23 Mar 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Orange County, California, USA |
Joined DWG: | 25 Oct 2011 but have lurked since 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I can't write to save my life, but am addicted to reading fanfic and I adore my two not-so-bright doggies.

Location: | Illinois |
Joined DWG: | 26 Sep 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
For 20 years, I've had 2 books always by my bed - the Bible, and Austen's collected works. Piles of other books teeter and get changed out but those two remain: dogeared, partially memorized and perpetually engrossing.
I live with my small family (some members furrier than others) in an antique Craftsman bungalow in the Midwest US. I'm a teacher, writer, and former corporate project manager.

Location: | California |
Joined DWG: | Fall 2001 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am a on again off again lurker here. One time authoress. Have thought several times of writing another story but never get around to it. I was much more active on the site when I first discovered it. Now I just come to read stories on occasion and every once in a while post a comment.
I am a native Californian. Lived on the east coast for a year for school. Love traveling. Though my obsession with all things Austen has decreased somewhat over the years, I still find myself drawn in and fascinated by her novels. No doubt it will hold for many more years to come. [View full bio]

Location: | Panama, Rep of Panama |
Joined DWG: | 11 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
A med student that enjoys reading fan-fiction on her free (and not so free) time.
I have yet to finish reading all that DWG has to offer, but I am enjoying discovering all the excellent work published here.
No conozco ningun lector en latinoamerica, y me encantaria hacerlo :)

Location: | Virginia Beach, VA, but live in Charleston, SC |
Web site: | http://jafanfictionreview.wordpress.com |
Joined DWG: | December 2010, after being a lruking reader for years |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I write non-fiction professionally on a part-time basis. I'm a full time Mom and military wife. I have precious little time to write articles, let alone fan fiction stories. Having a toddler, a fifth grader, and a husband keeps my plate pretty full. Regardless, I know it is difficult to write a full novel length story. I know “real life” as it is termed in the fan fiction world slows or stalls many writers. I am indebted to those who have published their finished works online, and hope others will find them as distracting and comforting as I do. What began as notes on my favorite stories and a ridiculously long and hodge-podge list of bookmarks in my browser is now a blog, Jane Austen Fan Fiction Reviews. Although not a story, I hope I can encourage other readers to read more JAFF.

Location: | AL, USA |
Joined DWG: | 25 Aug 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Emi Author of 1 story
Location: | New Hampshire |
Joined DWG: | 29 Dec 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | NA2 (2007) |
I found Jane Austen in an odd way. You know how there's this Pride and Prejudice board game? Well, my aunt bought it and was playing it with my mom. I wanted to play, but being only 9 or so I hadn't read the book or even seen the movie. So I got an illustrated classic version and have loved Jane Austen ever since.
More about me, I am a high school student and an aspiring writer. I have this wacky imagination that is always working. I still "play pretend" with myself and my sisters think I am weird. (Who can help imaging what Emma's child would be like or who the remaining Bennet sisters married? ;) )
I actually never liked fanfiction that much. I liked to create my own endings to things and not have other people tell me what they think should have happened. Then I found this site. I am absolutely... [View full bio]

Location: | Alabama |
Joined DWG: | 07 Dec 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I found this site via the Wall Street Journal article (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704594804575649041609261602.html).
I'm a long time Austen web site lurker but never found my way here! Although I am not a writer, I deeply enjoy the study of her novels from an academic slant and of course, all things Georgian. I was in Bath for the Jane Austen Festival in 2008 and posed with a handsome Mr. Darcy who was dressed in full Regency attire. I cherish all of the photographs that I made that day - one of my best vacations ever.

Location: | Sweden |
Joined DWG: | 11 Mar 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Location: | Leeds, UK |
Joined DWG: | 21 Mar 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am a research Scientist in West Yorkshire, UK. I have adored Jane Austen books since I was a child and I have recently started writing P&P Fan Fiction. I love P&P so much so that I had a P&P themed wedding :-)

Emmaline Author of 2 stories
Email: | elh-JA-loveprideprejudice.com |
Location: | Wenatchee, Washington |
Web site: | http://www.loveprideprejudice.com |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Happily married working mother of 2 energetic boys that loves to tinker with writing while sailing off into the sunset on our MacGregor sailboat.
I love to do anything on the computer including programming, photos altering, and video creation of home movies. I also really enjoy crafts, canning, getting flowers and lots and lots of chocolate. [View full bio]

Location: | Australia |
Web site: | http://gorillagurl.spaces.live.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 02 Jul 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | MP2 (1999) |
OH HAI! I'm Erin, an emotional, serious, and of course very mature, teenager. Hehe. One of my friends forced me to watch the 2005 Pride and Prejudice a few years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. I haven't read all of her novels yet, but I love reading FF. Especially when I'm supposed to be doing homework!
Um I can be very sarcastic, I have a pretty good sense of humor, I'm very loyal, and I have a quick temper. I never get mad though, just annoyed. Reading is one of my few hobbies, along with reading and writing poetry, listening to music with meaningful lyrics, and watching mushy movies that the rest of my family hate! English is of course my favourite subject.
I've been visiting Austen.com for about a year now; I'm not very skilled as a lurker.

Location: | Netherlands |
Joined DWG: | March 2010 (though I hid and read for a very long time before actually joining) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Illinois--St Louis area |
Joined DWG: | 07 Apr 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | born in hawaii - grew up in seoul, korea - now living in california |
Joined DWG: | 11 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers3 (2007) |

Fay Author of 2 stories
Email: | encyclopedia_snoopy-JA-yahoo.ca |
Location: | Canada |
Joined DWG: | delurked April 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
(updated 04.12)
I first posted my profile here three/four years ago and now the info has expired. Haha! I guess from now on I will stick to facts that are written in stone and will not change, ever, for the rest of my life.
So, um. Intransient facts.
I am human. Plus I love Jane Austen! :D
[View full bio]

Joined DWG: | 19 Jan 2010 - but have been lurking for years |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am a 22 year old Biology student,

Location: | Midwest flyover country, USA, when not living online |
Web site: | http://twitter.com/Femme_Mal |
Joined DWG: | 23 Aug 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Other |
Veteran blogger, experienced online editor, and fiction author. Caveat lector: I tweet and blog about reading, writing, the arts, technology, and women's issues.
I've lurked at Dwiggie for several years, just didn't get around to posting a bio until Aug 2013. You may find some of my P&P fanfic listed in JAFF index.
My blog: femme-malheureuse.blogspot.com
Goodreads: goodreads.com/FemmeMalheureuse
My favorite adaptation of P&P: toss-up between the 2005 movie and Bridget Jones' Diary (Colin Firth AND Hugh Grant, c'mon!) [View full bio]

Location: | Derbyshire |
Web site: | http://www.dwiggie.com |
Joined DWG: | 1813 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sanditon |
Second favorite JA novel: | Wuthering Heights ;) |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Clueless |
Margaret is my hero. (This is Margaret D's admin/test log-in.)

Florence Author of 2 stories
Email: | flore101-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | France |
Joined DWG: | 06 Mar 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a 32 years old French primary teacher who discovered P&P some 10 or 12 years ago. Since then, I've read all of Jane Austen's other books, reread P&P so many times I can't count them, discovered P&P2 with the wonderful Colin Firth, and entered the world of fanfictions. I've been reading stories on this site for I think 2 years now, and I've finally come round to writing my own story. [View full bio]

Genette Author of 19 stories
Location: | NC |
Joined DWG: | In the Beginning... |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Things have changed some since I posted to the Baronetage 10 years ago! I'm 41 now. Still happily married to wonderful Dan. Still have beloved kitty Perdita, but sadly lost dear Barnum last year. :( He was such a love!
We also lost my brother to ALS a few years back. He was inspiring and very brave. I miss him.
These days the 2 beneficiaries of our shameless spoiling are our sons Matthew and Timothy. Matthew attends a local Christian/Classical school (my little renaissance gentleman in the making!). He's bright, handsome, mischievous and very active. Timothy was born with Down syndrome. He has lots of wonderful therapists who adore us and spend a pretty fair chunk of time here. He is adorable, sweet, unusually interested in the world around him, and very active. He's highly... [View full bio]

Joined DWG: | 21 Sep 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Ginger Author of 2 stories
Email: | catfishmo-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Charlotte, NC, USA |
Joined DWG: | 03 Mar 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I work in a homeschool consignment store where P&P is a very popular title. I had never read it, and my collegues were shocked. My boss loaned me 1995 and 2005 versions of P&P with the instruction to watch the 1995 version first.
One evening, I did not have five hours, so I chose the 2005 version... Probably watched it fourteen times in rapid succession. Then watched the 1995 version...then Emma, and Mansfield Park (Jonny Lee Miller), then branched out to all the other Austen movies, multiple versions of Jane Eyre, then fell in love with North & South.
Discovered published fan fiction and read a ton of that, and then, oh glory, online fan fiction! Read so many stories I thought I would start a blog reviewing them!
An idea for a Colonel Fitzwilliam/Charlotte pairing gripped me, and... [View full bio]

Location: | This Earth is not my home; I'm just a stranger passing through. |
Web site: | http://gioiarecs.wordpress.com |
Joined DWG: | 11 Feb 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I'm a 30-something wife and mother and a voracious reader. I love to share my favorite stories with others, thus the existence of my blog (though I'm not terribly consistent about it). Although I realize the 2005 Pride & Prejudice film has numerous flaws in its script and direction, it was that film's visually stunning cinematography and Dario Marianelli's gorgeous score which inspired me to fall in love with Jane Austen all over again.

GraceCS Author of 1 story
Location: | Texas |
Joined DWG: | 18 Aug 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I don't easily fit into any category in particular. I'm old enough to have three teen-aged boys but have been mistaken for my eldest's's girlfriend. He didn't like that too much.
As an udergrad I majored in a little of everything and graduated--in four years--with a quadruple major. Yeah, really. Then I proceeded to take on grad work in totally different areas. After my PhD, I spent 16 years as a college professor in education and counseling. Currently I am an education pastor in a small church doing what I've always wanted to do. Go figure.
My other artsy pursuits include photography, cooking, and scrap booking.
I earned by first black belt in tae kwon do with my kids two years ago. I completed a second black belt this year.
[View full bio]

H Leigh Author of 1 story
Joined DWG: | 24 Apr 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
Fan Fiction makes me happier than TV and is better for my brain..now if I could only learn to edit. [View full bio]

Hannah Author of 5 stories
Email: | hewing84-JA-hotmail.com |
Joined DWG: | Spring 2001 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Location: | California |
Joined DWG: | 13 Oct 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Hazel Author of 1 story
Joined DWG: | 17 Sep 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Hershey, PA |
Joined DWG: | 09 Feb 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Email: | quill-JA-oneuk.com |
Location: | Robin Hood Country, UK |
Web site: | http://www.faulkes.co.uk/heather |
Joined DWG: | October 2005 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a full time mum with two kids and a secret writing addiction. (well, not secret to you, but it is to some)
I never knew there was such a thing as fan fiction until I watched P&P3 at the cinema in September 2005. That night I was thinking about a certain scene in the film and had a dream where the story went in a totally different direction. I found it so interesting, that I went to sleep the following night trying to extend the 'story' I was creating. It didn't occur to me then to write it down. (who writes down dreams?) However, the dream wouldn't leave me alone and I was therefore very relieved to stumble upon the DWG and realise that writing it out wasn't such a stupid idea after all, and that other people might even want to read it.
Not only did I find a massive supply of great... [View full bio]

Email: | hele.br-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Web site: | http://hl.dreamwidth.org/ |
Joined DWG: | 20 Oct 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a Biological Sciences student. I used to study Anthropology. I'm a bartender, and though I don't work at it at this time, I used to. I still live at home with my mother and sister. I've six siblings. I've a cat and my sister has a dog.
I've been an obsessive reader since I learnt how, and I've written (crap like now) since I learnt how, too. The character in all literature with whom I identify myself the most is Don Quixote de la Mancha.
I taught myself English when I was 17 to be able to read my favourite authors at the time (Bradbury, Tolkien, Ursula K. Le Guin, etc.) in their original language, and pretty much fell in love with the language.
I found Jane Austen again a couple of years ago (through fandom, though not JAF), re-read her books and fell madly in love with them. The... [View full bio]

HLeigh Author of 7 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | the Lakes Region |
Joined DWG: | 21 Aug 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am an author of the single persuasion, who makes her bread by taking in stitching. [View full bio]

Jack C. Author of 11 stories
Email: | info-JA-cajuncheesehead.com |
Location: | West Bend, WI |
Joined DWG: | 2005 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Other |
It’s hard to believe that that a middle-aged male Louisiana native now living in Wisconsin is a JA fanfiction writer. What’s harder to believe is how badly I spell. Oh, well, thank goodness for my team of betas, lovingly referred to as the Beta Babes.
I love historical fiction, which is probably why I like the characters from JA. They provide such a nice canvas to use. My wife, bless her, supports me whole-heartily in this venture. As for my three grown sons, that’s another matter.
Beside spending hours writing every night, I enjoy travel, cooking (I am a Cajun, after all), reading, and golf.
[View full bio]

Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | 31 Mar 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have a Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and accompany/teach young children between 3 and 6/7 years with and without special needs in their thirst for understanding the world, themselves and everything.
I love being by myself when not working, I enjoy walks in nature, traveling, reading, being creative, jogging,improving my English, swimming, musing about book-characters and their "lifes" and a lot more.
I do like to spend time with my partner, friends and family, but mostly one at a time and please not everyday.
At the moment I am "petless", though it is the first time in my whole 30+ years of life. Last one I had to say Good Bye to was my dog. Still missing her a lot.
I love reading ff-stories, especially Darcy/Bingley/Fitzwilliam friendship and angst/hurt-comfort.I... [View full bio]

Location: | Middle TN |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a young wife and mommy. I have long wanted to write a serious continuation or alteration of Pride and Prejudice, but I am shy. Hopefully, I can get over my shyness here with all of you kind people! :)

jancat Author of 5 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Chicago...with a lot of moves beforehand |
Joined DWG: | 27 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |

Jax Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Green Bay area, Wisconsin, USA |
Joined DWG: | 05 Jan 2009 (but a wanderer for at least 2 years before) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I started writing fan fiction when I was 12 (very poorly I might add), and that fan fiction was Harry Potter. That lasted about three years, and I was first introduced to Pride and Prejudice when I was 16. I fell in love with it, and I've been obsessed with it ever since. Now I'm simply a college student whose main passions are Pride & Prejudice and anything and everything with Gene Kelly. *sigh* Gene Kelly... :D
Oh and another thing! I inexplicably add emoticons to nearly every post :P ... like that :D ... and that ... [View full bio]

Location: | Grew up in Colorado and still call it home, but now I live in Riverton Utah |
Web site: | http://heyladypublications.com |
Joined DWG: | 13 Dec 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Although I had read most of Austen's books early in my adulthood, and I owned and loved Kira Knightly's Pride and Prejudice movie, it wasn't until my sister wrote a JAFF book, and sent me what she had written, that I found I had an unsatiable hunger and thirst for JAFF. After reading 50 books in 4 months, the charcters were alive in my head and heart, and knew that when full conversations with fictional characters were going on in my head that something had to be done. So I asked my sister what to do. She told me to start with a plot outline and six months later I had written 2 full length JAFF books: Mr. Darcy's Promise and Pride and Persistence. I am working on getting them published but you can track the progress on my website: www.heyladypublications.com

Location: | Wisconsin USA |
Joined DWG: | lurked for about a year...joined in 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have a mild Jane Austen addiction. (Similar to pretty much everyone else on this site, right?) P&P was my favorite and the first of her stories that I read when I was about 16 or 17 and have been hooked ever since. I do love other genres...but I read P&P at least once a year, and try to do at least one other JA novel each year too.
[Side note: I was disappointed when in Sr. year of high school our Eng./Lit. teacher switched the Austen selection from P&P to Emma because she had read it every year for the past 7 years and needed a switch so she didn't delve too deep in discussions (and wonder why her students couldn't see what she did). So, I would sometimes have lunch in her classroom (conveniently her free hour) and we would talk P&P and eat our PB&J.]
Anyway, I started lurking about... [View full bio]

Email: | doremijen-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | Crown Point, Indiana |
Joined DWG: | 01 Jan 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hi! I am a music teacher living in Crown Point, Indiana. I have been an Austen fan for years. My younger sister Melody, passed on suddenly in Sept. of 2009. Melody loved the Austen stories. As a kind of therapy, I started reading lots of fan fiction in 2010. I had a great relationship with my sister and wished that the Gerogiana character in P&P had someone like my sister. This year as a tribute to Melody, I started writing my own Fan Fiction. Georgiana and Lizzy meet through a fund raising (musical) connection promoted by their aunts, Lady Matlock and Mrs. Gardner. My sister was a very generous and giving person and I have incorporated that aspect of her into my Lizzy's character. I have recently recorded all 12 of the songs that are mentioned in my book and will post them on Youtube by the... [View full bio]

Location: | Metro Detroit area of southeast Michigan, |
Web site: | http://meanderingsandmissives.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 21 Oct 2009 but lurked about for a very long time before! |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Wife, mom, Scouter, Janeite and would-be author. Have loved Pride & Prejudice (and thus Darcy) since I was thirteen. [View full bio]

Jennifer Lynn Author of 7 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Southern California |
Joined DWG: | Sometime around 2001 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I've written a few stories for the Fantasia Gallery a long time ago. I don't really write anymore JA fanfic. I have written in other fandoms and I'm attempting to write some original fic.
In real life, I teach. I'm happily married and have two wonderful children. [View full bio]

Location: | Southeastern USA |
Web site: | http://www.jenniferbecton.com |
Joined DWG: | 06 Dec 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Even as a long-time Jane Austen fan, I've been a bit slow about joining online communities, though I've lurked a bit. I work as a freelance editor and writer, and I'm the author of Charlotte Collins: A Continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, which is available on Amazon, BN, and other online retailers as a paperback and ebook. Aside from Austen and writing, I love horses and reading mysteries, and I have a cat, who would be very upset not to be included in the baronetage.

Jessi L Author of 1 story
I'm a 30 something with two amazing daughters and my own personal Mr. Darcy (read Tom). I've been lurking this site for years and LOVE the stories so I recently decided to try my hand at writing.
I adore all things Austen & Bronte. I'm also a foodie who ranks a beautiful day at the farmer's market right up there with a day at the water park. [View full bio]

Location: | Melbourne, Australia |
Joined DWG: | 11 Oct 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma3 (1996) |

JessicaS Author of 3 stories
Location: | TX |
Web site: | http://www.firehazel.com |
Joined DWG: | Lurked for quite a while. |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am a geek. This is the first, last, and most important thing about me. It pretty much explains all the rest. The second and penulimate item of interest is I am owned by four cats (one is my particular owner) and one dog. All the other items I could say fall in between those, and really aren't that much of interest, but since you will ask...
I play WoW, write random nothings -- poetry, JAFF, HP FF, my own odd, bizarre little ramblings that aspire to grow up into novels at some point in their lives -- cook, kill my garden, and avoid trying to fix everyone else's computer and/or website.
I am also known as Sidial on other JA sites, and on LiveJournal. Sidial is also my main WoW toon, on the Skywall realm. [View full bio]

Location: | Indiana |
Joined DWG: | 11 Feb 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I can't believe I am just now filling this out! I joined the JAFF community about 10 years ago now, but lurked for the first several years. Now, it feels like such a huge part of my life.

Location: | Manchester UK |
Joined DWG: | 24 Aug 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I've finally registered after many years lurking in the background!

Jim D. Author of 6 stories
Full name: Jim Doherty
Police officer, born in San Francisco, currently living and serving in Chicago. Writer of crime fiction and true crime. Police technical advisor on DICK TRACY comic strip, and writer of weekly "Crimestopper" tip for Sunday edition of the strip. Known as "Wentworth" elsewhere in the JAFF world because I self-identify with the hero of my favorite J.A. novel PERSUASION.
[View full bio]

Jim G.M Author of 11 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | solea7-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | English from Bolton Lancashire in the north of England, about one hour's drive from Bronte country. |
Joined DWG: | 14 Feb 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am a dinosaur and unashamed to admit I started my reading life with Enid Blyton's Famous Five and Secret Seven novels as a child. My first serious stuff was Mark Twain, Sapper,
G.K.Chesterton,Ryder Haggard, Edgar Rice Burroughs and others of that era. I've probably read every classic adventure ever written, of which Ivanhoe and Last of the Mohicans are evergreen favourites. I play with writing and have written about a dozen short stories here on Dwiggie. I paint watercolours, read a lot still and watch movies of most types, horror and science fiction excluded.In my time I have done most things and played most sports. I have three children and three step children, five over here and one in California Only two girls have ever read Jane Austen. I have a nine-year-old Shit-hzu named Alfie who... [View full bio]

jimmyhk Author of 42 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Far Far Away |
Joined DWG: | wayy wayy yonder |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Other |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Unfortunately for you folks, I am not imaginary. [View full bio]

Location: | South of England, close enough to Chawton to visit once in a while. |
Web site: | http://www.joanastarnes.co.uk |
Joined DWG: | Started lurking around 2002, started posting in 2006, lost touch for a while and came back again in 2013 - and my, hasn't Dwiggie grown and changed!!!! |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I posted just one story here,'Steady to his purpose', and have been hatching a more sophisticated one for years (for more details you can contact me at www.joanastarnes.co.uk or find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/joana.a.starnes).
I owe many happy hours to people here, and their stories have made my day!

Joanne Author of 2 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Canada |
Joined DWG: | 08 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Jane Austen fan with a P&P2 addiction; admirer of so many wonderful stories by DWG authors (Thank you so very much for countless hours of enjoyable reading!); geocacher (www.geocaching.com); mother of twins; fortunate that DH and daughters support and encourage my foray into ff writing; works at music school; currently has two cats (Darcy and Thisby) but hopes to welcome another Border Collie pup soon; discovered JA later in life via Bridget Jones/Colin Firth; former Star Trek addict/collector whose already cluttered house is now being invaded by JA books, mug, doll, action figure, etc. My, how my obsessions have changed! [View full bio]

Location: | New South Wales Australia |
Joined DWG: | 28 Sep 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have been "lurking" here for some time. I am 55, married to Louise with 3 boys, enjoy period films and movies, astronomy and motorcycles.
I must apologise for downlowing a large number of DWG stories, I am a ship's captain and enjoy reading them when far away at sea ,out of range of other entertainments.
Many of your authors are so good, they should be published!

Jose Author of 16 stories
Location: | Depends on how you define it. |
Joined DWG: | 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Other |
Tell you about me - that assumes there is something worth knowing.
I was born in California; my father is from there and my mother is from Puerto Rico. I studied in Seattle, Mexico, Italy (kindergarten counts as studying, right?) and Greece, and the last one is where I live. I earn my daily bread by contributing to worldwide confusion (translating and interpreting - I'm a proud polyglot and wish in fact that I could post in other languages). I've liked writing stories since I was about 11 years old, and coincidentally happened to discover this site, started reading stories, and then writing them. I live with my wife Eva and a white rabbit named Francesco.
In real life I dislike all forms of aristocracy and oligarchy, which is probably why I like making fun of them in my stories and comments... [View full bio]

Email: | joseph_poisso-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | Somewhere along a Louisiana bayou |
Joined DWG: | 11 Apr 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Email: | lalla.belle-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Land of Oz, otherwise known as Australia |
Web site: | http://strangedelights.wordpress.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | NA2 (2007) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
...wishing I'd saved my original post for the Baronteage.
I'm 25 this year (or as I say, halfway up the hill), alas looking for work and occasionally having the inspiration for graphics and the odd poem here and there.
And hoping to be able to update my new blog with actual content rather than me just blathering on.

jules Author of 1 story
Location: | who knows? currently chandler, arizona |
Web site: | http://wackymom.vox.com/ |
Joined DWG: | way too long ago now to remember... late 1990's i think... |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
let's see... it's currently 2009... i am currently... (gotta love that word.. currently) trying to finish my final year at Arizona State University. been a long 25 years trying to get my bachelors....hopefully graduation is december of 2009
fell in love with Jane and her writings in high school... again... a long time ago...
as a student of history and literature... my ultimate goal is to teach those subjects at the community college level of above... so my schooling is nowhere near complete...
am married (21 years) with two children... a 17 yo daughter and an almost 13 yo son... lots of fun and running with those two.. am employed as a cashier at a grocery store... way fun...
love to read... garden... would love to travel... (but circumstances and the above paragraph prohibit... [View full bio]

Location: | Kentucky, though sometimes I think Mars. |
Joined DWG: | 15 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
Honestly? There's absolutely nothing fantastic about me. I'm pretty much just your everyday average girl. I'm highly sarcastic and exceedingly stubborn (perhaps even to a fault). I love love LOVE taking steaming hot baths, I enjoy listening to Dave Matthews Band, and I adore old movies. [View full bio]

Julia C. Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Ohio, in the U.S. |
Web site: | http://angelqueen04.livejournal.com |
Joined DWG: | 01 Jan 2010, though I'd been lurking since 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Born 1986, I'm an only child, but with a plethora of cousins. Attended Ohio University (2004-2008), gained a BA in History. Am now attending Kent State University to obtain a MA in Library and Information Science. Just one more semester to go before I finish there.
In high school, I was in the one class that actually didn't read Pride & Prejudice as one of the class readings, and as such didn't read it until I was in college and on my own time. After that, I could have kicked my British Lit teacher for not having us read the book. It's now one of my favorite books, and I've slowly begun to make my way through the rest of Austen's books. [View full bio]

Location: | Sydney, Australia |
Web site: | bluebella22@hotmail.com |
Joined DWG: | 2000? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
54 year old Teacher (English/History)loves both P&P 2 and 3 versions (will have to dig out no. 1 version). Have read the complete works of JA but still love P & P best. I follow up all JA that I can sequels, films etc whilst I know they may not be the best examples they always throw a fresh insight to either JA or her work. I have only read one book which had some of JAs letters would be interesting to see more of JAs biography and of course a thorough trip of England is in the planning stage just need to sell off my last two teenagers at home! A love of P&P has sprung into an exploration of other period films such as North and South, Cranford, Little Dorrit, Wives and Daughters. I have travelled all over my own country (ask me any questions) not so much overseas but I plan to! Mother of... [View full bio]

Location: | Northern California |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Married to DH 26 years, mother of 4 - 3 boys & 1 girl ages 24 eldest, 8 youngest. Work full time, have lived in Ukiah CA all my life. Town too small for a mall!

Location: | San Diego, CA |
Joined DWG: | 06 Sep 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have been a Jane Austen fan for as long as I can remember but only recently became a fanfiction fanatic when I came across austen.com a few years ago. I'm currently (Jan. 2010) pursuing a master's degree in psychology and I have to say I do not like how much of my fanfiction time it is eating up. I hope to graduate by the end of 2011 and get back to fun reading.
I wish I had the time to write more but there are textbooks to read, research papers to write and internship hours to complete.

Location: | North West England |
Joined DWG: | 25 Sep 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am female and was in my early 50s when I started reading JAFF.
I love re-reading P&P, Persuasion, S&S and Emma, but I also really enjoy writing which has allowed the characters to take other paths, both in Regency and other eras.
I have written and posted one story- Miscommunication - which is available on the JAFF Index, but is suitable only for readers of 16 and over.
I am lucky enough to live quite close to some of the wonderful houses used in filming adaptations of JA's work.

Location: | originally from Hawaii, now from California |
Joined DWG: | 14 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I was recuperating from major surgery when my then-husband found a movie to keep me entertained. Yup, it was P&P2! I was hooked and looked for more info online, which is how I discovered this thing called fanfiction. Dwiggies are wonderful people, and I've enjoyed this community very much.
Persuasion is now my 2nd favorite JA novel because of Captain Wentworth -- how could you resist that letter! [View full bio]

Kaarin Author of 2 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Stockholm, Sweden |
Joined DWG: | Oh, way back when. Probably in '98 or '99 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | MP2 (1999) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |

Kara Author of 2 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | karasings-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | Maryland, then Siberia, then Montana, and now Maryland |
Web site: | http://www.etsy.com/people/karochka |
Joined DWG: | September 1998 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |

Location: | USVI |
Joined DWG: | 27 Jan 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
I'm a blessed wife and homeschooling mother of 6. I first read Jane Austen at 14 (and was sadly unimpressed.) I later got hooked and have been a fan ever since. I used to post on RoP before finding this board and getting an addiction to JA fan fiction. I've been mostly lurking here for years, gathering the courage to write something of my own.

Karen A Author of 3 stories
Location: | the Netherlands |
Joined DWG: | 26 Jan 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Karen W Author of 4 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Tampa Bay Area in Florida |
Web site: | http://www.karenwasylowski.com |
Joined DWG: | 12 Sep 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am a retired CPA, living in Florida with my husband, although the thought of my hometown of Chicago makes me homesick. I have been in love with Mr. Darcy forever, beginning with the old movie starring Lawrence Olivier; I have loved each succeeding Darcy equally since then. However, the book was revelation. Imagine my surprise! It was better than the movies! [View full bio]

Location: | Canada, eh? |
Joined DWG: | 21 Sep 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | ILLINOIS USA |
Joined DWG: | 24 Feb 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Joined DWG: | 25 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I have been a long time fan, and I am so impressed with everyone's ability to create such varied impressions of JA's stories! Write on! :)

Location: | Australia |
Joined DWG: | 02 Apr 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

KateM Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Western New York |
Joined DWG: | 03 Jun 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
They Know Enough How To Learn is my very first fanfic and I never imagined writing a story based on another story could every be so hard. I am a sophomore in college and have become obsessed with everything Jane Austen since the summer of 2006 when I first saw Pride and Prejudice (2005). My love for Austen only increased as I watched/read anything Jane Austen I could get my hands on.
I never thought I would like fanfiction but there are a few stories that have really touched me and now I read it for hours and love it almost as much as the originals. =) [View full bio]

Kath Author of 1 story
Location: | Chicago, IL |
Web site: | http://wistfulaustenite.wordpress.com |
Joined DWG: | Apr 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
Hello! I am (obviously) a lover of all things Austen, I enjoy taking English Country Dance lessons, going to regency balls, sewing my own regency gowns and reading good fanfiction. I have started writing a story that hopefully will be posted here some day.
Outside of my Austen obsession, I am a classical musician. I teach music lessons and practice for many hours a day. I also love to cook, bake, travel and time with good friends.
I have so enjoyed the stories that are posted here, and I am looking forward to reading many more! [View full bio]

Email: | czaress-JA-freenet.de |
Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | 2000 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Wuthering Heights ;) |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
lol Who added Wuthering Heights to the choices? Since I love to hate that book ... [View full bio]

Katharine T Author of 11 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | katharhino-JA-lycos.com |
Location: | Michigan, USA |
Web site: | http://www.katharinetaylor.com |
Joined DWG: | Sometime in 1998, probably |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Mansfield Park |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am a busy artist, mom, student, and teacher. I'm an adjunct instructor in painting and drawing at a small liberal arts college, I'm working on an MFA degree at the same time, and I occasionally manage to vacuum my living room. I'm married to my college sweetheart, Ryan and we have two small daughters. We live in a tiny house we bought and fixed up. We also share it with two standard poodles and an unreasonable amount of art supplies. Besides drawing and painting, I also love all kinds of creative and artsy pursuits like knitting, baking, photography, and calligraphy. I read fantasy, mystery, classics, and all sorts of things in between.
I started reading Jane Austen when I was 11, and discovered fanfiction when I was in late high school or college. I started to write stories myself because... [View full bio]

Location: | United States |
Joined DWG: | 27 Jul 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
To describe myself, I am very much Elizabeth Bennet. I love the outdoors, play the piano very ill, sing tolerably, enjoy reading, love observing people, and have a passionate, independant, and stubborn personality. I am in my 20's and currently looking for my Mr. Darcy. ;)
I love all things Jane Austen. I've read all her novels (Pride and Prejudice several times over) and have seen many of the dramatized adaptions of her novels. I have not written any fanfic myself as of yet. I hope to someday, but in the meantime I enjoy reading the many fanfic stories posted here.

Kathy Author of 30 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | villeford-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | Madison, Wis., USA |
Joined DWG: | Sometime in late '99 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Happily married and the mother of two, I reside in south-central Wisconsin, the land of cows and cheese.
A writer by trade, I also have been writing for my own amusement for years, though I have no idea if I've ever written anything for anyone else's.
In addition to Jane Austen, my husband, and my son and daughter, my other loves include GK Chesterton, sewing, and photography. [View full bio]

Kaydee Author of 2 stories
Location: | California |
Web site: | http://fortheloveofausten.blogspot.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 12 Dec 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I found Jane Austen through the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and I fell in love. So I did what any sensible girl would do and picked up a copy of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's classic novel and I was hooked. I then read all of her novels and anything else related to Jane Austen that I could get my hands on.
There is just something about Jane. :)
[View full bio]

Location: | North West England |
Joined DWG: | Sometime 2004 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
I'm not terribly interesting, i'm 1 of 6 kids. My 2 older brothers are married, then there's me, a brother living in Gibraltar, and a younger brother and sister living in Bahrain withmy parents.
I play flute, Piano (very ill) and violin. I love to read whilst lying in bed drinking hot Vimto.
I'm an optimist disguised as a cynic, the worst thing to be in my opinion :-)

Location: | Midwest, USA |
Joined DWG: | 26 Oct 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'd been lurking for, oh, ten years (yikes, getting old) before I decided to register. I'm a grad student currently, but I used to write back when I had free time. Maybe I'll eventually come up with something to share. :)

Location: | I live in Houston |
Joined DWG: | 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
I am obsessed with all things Austen (as evidence by my new residence on this site) and love reading all the stories people have written... I intend to write one of my own once I stop being a chicken.. in the meanwhile, I will continue to revel in all the ways a set of characters may be re-arranged..

Joined DWG: | 13 Feb 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |

Kristen V Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI
Joined DWG: | 24 Aug 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |

Location: | Montana |
Joined DWG: | Initially back in college, probably 2000 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm currently a wage slave hoping to break free and get an actual job in my field!

Location: | A Little Town of No Consequence |
Web site: | http://pride-and-narratives.blogspot.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 29 Nov 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers3 (2007) |
I've been an Austen Addict every since I can remember. The fault of that rests solely with my mother, who happened to interest me in Miss Austen's books when I was in middle school, and my obsession has lasted ever since. I'm still quite young, perhaps just of age to be considered out, and have been writing ever since I could string words together on a page.
I enjoy designing web pages, blogging, reading, and drop sarcastic comments as gracefully as young débutantes drop curtsies (though, unfortunately, perhaps without so much tact). I love any well told story and hope to someday get a book of mine published. Until then, let's just see if I can get something up on DWG first... [View full bio]

Location: | Finland |
Joined DWG: | 03 Sep 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hei kaikille! (finnish language meaning hello everyone!) :-)
I was very pleased to find this site. I am a dedicated fanfiction writer now writing my first based on Pride and Prejudice. Yes, another story of Lizzy and Will..but hopefully with new, fresh ideas combined with romance and humour. I was, like I guess many other here as well, introduced to Jane Austen in school, and being interested in both books and reading I soon grew very close to her books and characters. Also seeing Mr. Colin Firth as Mr Darcy had something to do with the thought of writing something myself :-) But yes, I've written a lot of fanfiction of other characters, fictional and real, but now I am working on my first one. I've already read a few here and I am very impressed and delighted to see how many skilled writers... [View full bio]

Location: | Italy |
Joined DWG: | 05 Sep 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I live in a very sunny (but sometimes very foggy) little town in Sicily, but my (not so secret) dream is to go working in the UK -possibly London-, although I don't know if I would be able to stand such an abundance of rain...
I first found out about Jane Austen when P&P3 was released. While surfing the net for information, I read that the movie was inspired by the homonymous novel. I switched off my PC and almost ran to the library. By the end of the day, I had finished the book and, obviously, fallen in love with it.
The following year, I completed my JA education. My English teacher came up with the brilliant idea of reading "Emma" in class (much to my class mates' chagrin!). I think I need not say I enjoyed it very, very much. Meanwhile, I read the other 4 books, loved "Persuasion... [View full bio]

Lina Author of 1 story
Location: | A very proud Colombian living in Paris ;) |
Web site: | http://www.flickr.com/photos/lalisbrighteyes/ |
Joined DWG: | WOW around 2005 maybe?? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
[View full bio]

Email: | linneaeileen-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Arizona |
Web site: | http://www.desertmusings.net/les/ |
Joined DWG: | 2004 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
I stumbled across DWG in late 2004 - My Year of Austen. Much to my husband's chagrin, I was hooked. I started writing the next year and the scariest moment of my online life was when I hit the post topic button for the very first time.
My life seems to center around my son's musical exploits and my writing. Each is a foray into the unexpected. [View full bio]

Location: | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Joined DWG: | 07 Jan 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
Favourite authors, in order: Jane Austen, JRR Tolkien, Robertson Davies, Bill Bryson, Jasper Fforde. Oh yeah, and that Shakespeare guy.
I do not write fanfiction myself, but I have great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people! But if I had even a smidge of creative ability, I would arrange for the following JA characters to meet the Doctor: Sir Walter Elliot (who better to take him down a peg? Or possibly feed him to a Weeping Angel?), Miss Bates (because she deserves to have some fun), and Mary Bennet (who might actually be interesting if she expanded her horizons a bit).
Age: old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway
Personal: married, no kids, 2 very demanding cats

Lise Author of 71 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | liselottejoling-JA-freeler.nl |
Location: | Netherlands |
Joined DWG: | august 1997 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
entertaining milco 30-11-2006 and nicolai 12-09-2009 [View full bio]

Location: | USA |
Joined DWG: | 16 Jul 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have been lurking for a few years and decided to try my imagination, and fingers, at a story of my own.
I am that annoying person who gets little bits of a story in her head and asks for help in the Tea Room to identify which one it is.

Lucrezia Author of 1 story, Contributer to ANI

Email: | Lucyjaff-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | Toronto, Canada |
Joined DWG: | 25 Mar 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I teach for a living, enjoy JAFF and writing as a distraction. I live with my husband, one daughter (born Feb. 2002) and three cats.
I discovered JAFF when my daughter was a newborn and after lurking here for a long time (occasionally posting), finally decided to register and post a story.

Location: | Dronfield |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am now 53 years old, I live in Darcyland or Derbyshire to everyone else. The little village I live in is called Dronfield and is approximately 10 miles from Chesterfield and 15 miles from Sheffield. I originally came from Halifax in Yorkshire where my sister and her family, plus my parents and various aunts and uncles still live.
I have two children my eldest Matthew is now 25 years old and my youngest Danielle is 23 years old. Sadly six years ago I unfortunately was made a widow when my husband Mick died unexpectedly.
I now work full time as a customer service adviser for the Dixons Retail Group who own PC World, Currys as well as Dixon on line. I love my job except from Christmas time when the most sensible of people can become the most idiotic and/or nasty people. To me Christmas... [View full bio]

Location: | Australia |
Joined DWG: | 02 Aug 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | originally from Hong Kong / now in US |
Joined DWG: | 14th July 2004 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have loved Jane Austen all my life, and I am very blessed that my hubby and kids also share my enthusiasm for all things Austen.
My first attempt at writing fan-fiction was "A Daunting Task" - late night musings posted directly on the DWG Message Board without much editing - so I must beg my readers to overlook all the spelling & grammatical errors found in the story.
I finally finished "Another Daunting Task" - after a span of several years. Thank you to Julie L for being my beta from Chp7 to 35, and to my faithful readers for all the helpful comments and support!
My current favorites are Stephanie Barron's Jane Austen Mysteries series.

Location: | The land of OZ |
Joined DWG: | 28 Oct 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Malta |
Joined DWG: | 23 Jan 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
I'm a 20 year old studying pharmacy in Malta (three years left till I graduate) and as result of my university commitments I have never been able to finish any story I started. I spend my summers teaching English to non English speaking European students, and giving the odd musical theory lesson here and there. I'm also a pianist but I had to give up on my training because of University.
I became hooked on Jane Austen when I was 9/10 years old, and first read an abridged version of Pride and Prejudice at age 10 and moved on to the original by age 11 (which is a feat for someone for whom English isn't a first language). I'm still working my way through Sense and Sensibility and Mansfield Park (mainly because I am also a devoted Tolkien and Science fiction fan so I tend to read many of these... [View full bio]

Marci Author of 3 stories
Location: | Idaho |
Joined DWG: | 09 Apr 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | None |
I am just a girl who does or has related to just about every character Jane Austen created. [View full bio]

Email: | margaret-JA-dwiggie.com |
Location: | London |
Joined DWG: | Autumn 1999 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
If anything on the DWG web site doesn't work or doesn't look right, it's my fault. Crysty introduced me to DWG during our freshman year of college, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. My contributions have been limited to IT support lately, although I hope to be more active in the future.
I spent a couple decades in the US, and then I was ready for a change and I left. I have been wandering around Europe ever since. At present I live in London and work as a software developer.
Since I am the person with the first entry on the Baronetage (one advantage of writing all the code), I can claim Mr Darcy for myself! We will be married and live happily ever after at Pemberley, and the rest of you will be wildly jealous of us.
Blame Crysty and Amy I. for the pink convertible... [View full bio]

Location: | Houston, Texas |
Joined DWG: | 19 May 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
I am a more than ten-year reader but just joined. Thanks to all contributors for their great stories. I love the creativity here! [View full bio]

Mari A. Author of 41 stories
Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | Spring 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
I'm a university student (English/History) and I am really bad at writing self-introductionary texts.
I enjoy sitting on my private beach drinking a glass of cold milk and watching old movies and my favourite television series in my private cinema where one of my servants serves caramelised popcorn. Afterwards I retire to my library and browse my extensive collection before I dictate my newest chapter to one of my secretaries. In the evenings, Mr Knightley and I often take strolls around our park before we have a home-cooked dinner and brownies with custard for dessert.
Sometimes I'm also awake and then I write in between lectures or on derelict trains. Now and then, I even have a real life. Whatever that may be worth. [View full bio]

Location: | Louisiana |
Joined DWG: | August 2005 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |
I discovered Jane Austen for high school summer reading and fell in love. I didn't start reading fan fiction until Katrina lead me to DWG. :) I don't write, but I love to read. I'm in Nursing school and love to machine quilt in my free time.

Maria F Author of 2 stories
Location: | Maine |
Joined DWG: | 19 Aug 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

I have been visiting for about 6 years but started contributing only when a disgruntled author expressed her insecurities regarding the appreciation her stories received. It took me several years to read through all the stories in the Epilogue Abbey (my husband is a very patient man). I'm Greek, 30, and I love languages. I've recently moved from USA to Holland to teach math at the Eindhoven Univ. of Tech. I have an infinite admiration for the contributors of this site, and I am not beyond begging, crawling, supplicating, bribing, or doing my best impression of Darcy puppy eyes when it comes to requesting an update of a story from our brilliant, magnanimous, and benevolent authors (did I mention flattering? I need to work on my Collins' skills!)

Location: | Chattanooga, TN |
Joined DWG: | 25 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Marianne Author of 3 stories
Email: | mariannewal-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | Atlanta, Georgia |
Joined DWG: | NEW DWG:11 Jun 2008 (but really since April, 2006) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
My name is Marianne and I'm a Jaffoholic. I spend more time reading than writing, but I will write when enough tempted (or threatened by stinky fish thrown at me in chat)
In RL I teach Spanish to adolescents (and Dwiggies) for a career and work at Girl Scout camps (yes, plural) on the weekends, teaching archery, canoeing, and lifeguarding. At present I live with my mom and itinerant college student brother and I'm working on my Master's in Instructional Technology.
I have loved JA since my freshman year of college (UGA! Go Dawgs) when I went on a complete Austen binge and read everything, and then watched the movies. I do believe I watched P&P2 in one sitting one very long night. Oh, and I suppose I'm Charlotte Lucas' age now, still lookin' for my Mr. Collins Mr. Darcy. [View full bio]

MariaV Author of 2 stories
Location: | Boston |
Web site: | http://www.valgenti.com |
Joined DWG: | 1996/7ish? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
'I'm a manly man; I slurp my food and wear big hats.' [View full bio]

Location: | Melbourne |
Joined DWG: | 03 Dec 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
Have lurked in the shady alleys of DWG for at least four years now...have only posted once. I think it's time to declare my presence.

Location: | Kalamazoo,Michigan USA |
Joined DWG: | August of 1997 back in the ROP days. |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am the fourth member,and first girl in a family of nine. I am 51 and will be 52 on August 1st. I have been a Dwiggie 12 years. in addition to Our Own Dear Jane,I enjoy reading Regency Romance novels,especially those written by Mary Balogh. I am also a Tolkien reader and chess lover.I have four nieces and five nephews,and two Great Nieces and one Great Nephew. I sing in the choir at my church. [View full bio]

Location: | Vermont |
Web site: | http://web.me.com/mebertolini/JAM/ |
Joined DWG: | 11 Jun 2008 (really over ten years ago) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
My professional blog is here: http://blogs.middlebury.edu/slices/. I teach writing and literature at a small New England liberal arts college. I've been reading at DWG since the 90s, even when it was part of another site.
[View full bio]

Location: | Philadelphia |
Joined DWG: | February 3, 1997 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Mary L. Author of 1 story
Email: | dwiggie1-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | Arkansas, USA |
Joined DWG: | January 2004 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
After having watched P&P2 for the umpteenth viewing, I had the brilliant idea to perform my first Google search of all time. I typed in Elizabeth Bennet's engagement to Mr. Darcy and a whole slew of stories popped up, many from DWG. I didn't notice the message board though until a year later and since that time I've been hooked to this site and the wealth of stories it contains.
Many thanks to the wonderful authors who have spent countless hours to my entertainment.
[View full bio]

Meg E Author of 5 stories
Location: | SF Bay Area |
Joined DWG: | About 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
Watching P&P2 in my little London flat week-by-week in 1995 is what turned me on to Jane Austen, and I am forever grateful that I DID like "the classics" after all. (Wuthering Heights and several other non-Jane Eyre Bronte novels had turned me off as a teenager to all lit labeled "classic".)
I've had the privilege of meeting Amy I, Crysty, Mary S, JulieLynn, and a few others that hang out here in RL, but my best Dwiggie experience was hosting Shem for a few days over Thanksgiving a few years ago. I would love to travel back to Europe and meet my Dutch, Scottish and German Dwiggie friends. [View full bio]

Location: | France |
Joined DWG: | 02 May 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
I have breathed this website for the past five years and I thank all authors for their work!!
I have yet to have the courage to become an author myself but who knows?!

Location: | England |
Joined DWG: | 27 Oct 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Germantown, WI |
Web site: | http://jastoryandhistory.blogspot.com |
Joined DWG: | Fall 2000 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Mercy Author of 2 stories
Joined DWG: | 03 May 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | None |

Web site: | http://pnpfanfiction.Wordpress.com |
Joined DWG: | 23 May 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Officially addicted to P&P fanfiction since... Forever.

Location: | North Alabama |
Joined DWG: | 06 May 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have been fascinated with history and classical literature since I was very young. I was read to from classical fairytale books when I was a child and when I was older, we would read novels out loud every night. It is one of my fondest memories from childhood. Then, as an adult, every Sunday night was spent watching Masterpiece Theatre. I have many favorite authors and stories, but Jane Austen ranks in the very top.

Location: | Originally from Scotland,Glasgow - reside now in Australia since1994 |
Joined DWG: | 27 Sep 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a devoted JA fan and just love her books - I have all her storied on dvd and watch them all the time, especially P/P and S/S I'm a member of JASA Australia and recently went to Sydney (first time) for Jane Austen conference on Sat.26th Sep.09 .I'm an ex Scottish champion swimmer and Master's swimmer. I participated in the Master World Games at Chandler in 1994 and won 2xbronze medals for 100/200m breastroke - I continue to train 2x per week and Langlands pool at Cooperoo, Brisbane where I live. I am a wife and mother of 5 children 18y,16y,13y,4y, and 2y. I love living in Auz,Qld and hope to go visit family and friends in Glasgow in the near future.

Location: | Victoria, Austraila |
Joined DWG: | 08 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
After it was reported to my mother that I had been given an "After School" when I failed to let my math teacher confiscate the copy of Emma that I had been reading in his class, she had the rather unusual response of buying me the complete works of Jane Austen.
I now shear a house with my sister, our cats and our dog, we are blissfully happy surrounded by our books, pets and movies.
I am a Customer Service Office for the Department of sustainability and Environment in there Customer Service Center, which each summer all but closes down to run the Victorian Bushfire Information Line.
I worked 14 hours on February 7th 2009 (Black Saturday) during the bushfires.
173 people died in those fires 23 of which were children and teenagers, and over 400 were injured.
More than 2000 homes... [View full bio]

Location: | New York City |
Joined DWG: | Officially Sept 20, 2008 but was lurking for a year before |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I first found Jane Austen by picking up a copy of Pride and Prejudice in the library when I was in high school. I had always loved to read and had heard about the book so decided to give it a try. I literally read the entire book in two days. From that point I was hooked. I found every Jane Austen book I could and read them all. Then looked for as many movie adaptions I could find. I managed to drag my family along with me and they all now love Austen's world as much as I do. I've even managed to get my father to read some fanfiction too.
I'm not a writer so I happily read all the wonderful stories crafted by the very talented writers who inhabit this board. Thank you to all of you for sharing and I hope to continue reading more so keep up the good work.

Nat KC Author of 2 stories
Email: | nkc-JA-nkclark.com |
Location: | Several places in Latin America and the US. |
Joined DWG: | 27 Jun 2010, though I lurked before. |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I’m an old (like quite a few Dwiggies) man (like few). I have read voraciously since I was a small child, everything from the labels on the scouring-powder cans in the bathroom to encyclopedias. I love Jane; I also like (for the same era) Georgette Heyer. Being a husband, father and grandfather is probably the most important and rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Reading is fun; writing is almost more fun. (No, it’s not, but it’s fun too!) [View full bio]

Location: | Australia |
Joined DWG: | 18 Apr 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Formerly East Midlands, England. |
Joined DWG: | 13 Apr 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I have enjoyed Jane Austen's novels for nearly twenty years but only really started getting involved with reading jaff over the last three or four years.
In a somewhat tenuous link to P&P I was raised in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire and now reside about thirty miles from Gretna Green.

Nerin Author of 6 stories
Location: | Kansas, USA |
Web site: | http://www.freewebs.com/erin-sunsengnim/ |
Joined DWG: | 2003 sometime? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
I have been a fan of Austen's novels for years and have been haunting this website since high school. In fact, it is what my old homeroom teacher remembers most about me: during homeroom I would sit at her computer and just read and read and read. I first began reading Austen when I was twelve, when a friend recommended Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility to me. I devoured them both and became instantly addicted to all things Austen.
I taught English overseas for five years, before returning to the US. I still plan to educate for a living, though right now I work as a paraeducator.
I was born in North Carolina, raised in West Virginia, and currently live in Kansas with my fiance and his mother.
I like kimchi, movies, music, MST3K, opera, children's books, and cross-stitching... [View full bio]

Location: | London, England |
Joined DWG: | 2010? 2011? something like that |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
Mostly a lurker, occasionally resurface to make a comment. Research scientist by trade; amateur musician, history fan and JA addict by hobby.
I'm happy to take on beta work, though my Regency knowledge isn't great and I'm not much good at plot suggestions. Strengths lie in correcting English grammar/punctuation/spelling, spotting continuity errors, and general stylistic suggestions. I'm also a native British English speaker, which may be useful for any ESL writers who prefer it to American.
Favourite adaptations: E4, S&S3, P2, P&P2, NA2. How I wish Andrew Davies or someone would make good adaptations of MP and Persuasion!
Author of Perfectly Able to Reflect and Who can be in doubt of what followed? [View full bio]

Location: | Hampshire, England |
Web site: | http://www.nicolaslade.com |
Joined DWG: | 25 Nov 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
I've only just discovered this site and look forward to visiting often.I first read Emma when I was about 15 and it's still my favourite so much so that in the cosy crime novels I write my hero is Mr Knightley! I never got round to reading Persuasion till five years ago and now it's one of my annual reads but my favourite film Austen has to be Emma Thompson's S&S - the perfect, sublime film!

NN S Author of 24 stories
Location: | Ohio |
Joined DWG: | 17 Sep 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma2 (1996) |
I set myself the goal of writing my way through the canon. Let's see how far I get. [View full bio]

Pat62 Author of 1 story
Location: | Wisconsin |
Joined DWG: | 26 Sep 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
Hi, my name is Pat and I am a huge P&P fan fiction fan, when it's written properly. I fell in love with Matthew Macfadyen's Mr. Darcy and since then I have read many sequels to P&P, some good, some not so good. The best ones that I have read, in my opinion, are Pamela Aidan's Trilogy. I think she really helped me fall in love with Darcy's character, since she goes into his mind. Before reading that, I was not really a Darcy fan. Now he is one of my favorite literary characters of all time.
I am a stay at home busy Mom with two daughters that keep me running around with school and extra curricular activities. I am married. I also have three sisters.
I absolutely love Matthew Macfadyen, David Oakes and Diego Forlan. Three very special men, all brilliant in their fields, but also wonderful... [View full bio]

Location: | Hyderabad, India |
Joined DWG: | 22 Sep 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Love reading. My first exposure to Pride and Prejudice was when I was about ten years old and since than I read it close to 25 times. I still find the novel very addictive.
I am a researcher and though I have been reading fanfiction, I have only recently joined the world of writing fanfiction.
I love the character Elizabeth and the portrayal by Jennifer Ehle. As for Darcy, who else than the ever pragmatic Colin Firth?

Location: | U.S. - NC |
Joined DWG: | 06 Feb 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I have always been an avid reader, I was introduced to Jane Austen when I was young, and stumbled onto a variation by Abigail Reynolds in a used book store and have been re-hooked ever since. Since then I have had a host of variations circling around in my head.

Peter Author of 13 stories
Email: | peter_hood47-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | St. John's, Newfoundland |
Joined DWG: | 03 May 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Email: peter_hood47@yahoo.com [View full bio]

Location: | Germany |
Joined DWG: | March 2009, after lurking for 2 years and commenting for 2 month |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I first met JA through the P&P3 adaptation. The first thing I did was buy the piano sheet music from that movie - and then I started reading the JA novels, watching the other adaptations and so on. And quite in character, it was the music and not JA that brought me here.
I was looking for the text and sheet music of "An Unexpected Song", which a friend of mine had sung at an other friends wedding. But the first google result was Rika's modern P&P fanfiction "An Unexpected Song" - and I started reading and never stopped. From Rika's site it was only a short step to the jaffindex and then to DWG.

Rachael Author of 2 stories
Location: | Washington (the state) |
Joined DWG: | 13 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hmm, perhaps I should start with when I first "met" Jane Austen. Technically, this was when I was a year old. My mom bought the 1995 P&P the year it came out, which happens to be a year after I was born. I grew up humming the songs to the movie, and the fact that it was constantly on caused me to hate everything P&P (gasp!). I first read P&P when I was nine and fell in love with it. When P&P3 came out on DVD, I spent the entire night watching P&P3 and P&P2, needless to say, I did not sleep much that night.
Ever since I have been in love with all things Austen. I am a bookworm, love to write (I'm still working on that one though), and love to be creative in general. [View full bio]

Email: | hatfield-JA-nwi.net |
Location: | North Central Washington State |
Web site: | http://vhw-corp.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 07 Dec 2010 I jumped right in, feet first, hit my head |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Do not be alarmed. My web site is long in the tooth. So am I; those few I have left.
"She who must be obeyed..." sorry, Rumpole, but that best suit a mother, was forced to teach me how to read and write, because the schools were of little use and consequential only as to costs. Still, I had to go to school, and did not get any fit required reading until university. I would rather be whipped than go read.
After university, I found that I go on reading binges. I read the Babylon 5 books, then the Miss Marple, and recently P&P after I watched the local library's copy of P&P2 c.October 2010. Since then, I have read some riveting reads in JAFF; certainly much better than another popular series' FF.
For a pastime, now that I am getting past my time, is writing FF. I tend to favor... [View full bio]

Renee B Author of 5 stories, Contributer to ANI
Email: | renee.beyea-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | from Solvang, California |
Web site: | http://www.reneebeyea.com |
Joined DWG: | 20 May 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I grew up riding horses, writing poetry and reading Jane Austen (and pretty much any other novel I could get my hands on) among the golden hills of Santa Ynez Valley. Now I live wherever my husband’s job sends us—he’s an Anglican priest serving as a chaplain. When I’m not busy being a wife, mommy, Bible study teacher, retreat speaker and all-around-ministry-partner, you can find me reading (JA, JAFF or speculative fiction, usually), writing, or working on the indie-publishing process. Many pieces originally posted at DWG are or will be available in edited and published form on Amazon (print and Kindle) and through other e-book retailers. [View full bio]

Location: | California |
Web site: | none |
Joined DWG: | 21 Feb 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | NA2 (2007) |
Longtime member of Republic of Pemberley, my online persona aka Eirene. Wandered in here while Googling Mansfield Park (due to a revived interest). Find I should have wandered in here sooner. I like the quiet stillness and steadiness that is Fanny Price.
Always appreciated the second chance Anne Eliot and Captain Wentworth have in Persuasion.
Experienced goosebumps when first reading the portion in Pride and Prejudice when Lizzy sees Darcy on the grounds at Pemberley....needed to voraciously finish the book with no breaks after that point to see how it ended.
Much enjoyed my university class where we studied all Austen novels for the whole semester (most excellent fun I've ever had in an English class ever....never had known there were more books after P and P and read them all... [View full bio]

Robin H. Author of 3 stories
Location: | Lancaster, SC |
Joined DWG: | 18 Aug 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I taught English, mainly in high school, for twenty-five years. I now teach music part-time an elementary charter school, which is wonderful. I play, sing, and dance for a living! I also am director of our church music academy and teach piano. Life is good! [View full bio]

Rose A Author of 1 story
Location: | England |
Web site: | http://silvestria.livejournal.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 27 Dec 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
First started reading fanfic here when I was 11, before I knew what fanfic was! Only recently joined and dared to actually to actually post something. I am in my early 20s and am a classicist and musician by trade. [View full bio]

Rose F. Author of 3 stories
Web site: | http://rosefairbanks.com |
Joined DWG: | 24 Jul 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I've been a lover of JA for 11 years and found JAFF just over a year ago. I have a degree in history, married and have two kids. I love reading and writing! [View full bio]

Rosie J. Author of 3 stories
Location: | Chicago |
Joined DWG: | 16 Nov 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
Writer, singer, seamstress. I first read S&S at the tender age of twelve, when I was desperate for reading material and my grandmother gave me a copy. I think I read the rest of Austen's work in under two years, and many, many times since. [View full bio]

Email: | jrmwmo-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | Flagstaff AZ |
Joined DWG: | 12 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P1 (1980) |
2009:My hubby (Fire Marshall and Security Manager), myself and our Dwigpet Taz (schnoodle, 13 years old) have just bought our first place, after 24 years of wedded bliss and apartment living, a villa in Lake St. Louis, MO. Plot bunnies have been hopping around, but no muses have taken up residence here, so, no stories yet, but I am betaing a bit.
We are Empty Nesters, with two grandchildren, Eva and Charlie, who live with their parents near Raleigh, NC.
I am RoxDawn in Facebook.
April 2010 Update:
Jeff, Taz and I are moving to Arizona, he got a promotion/transfer and I am 'retiring' to become Taz's full time doorperson. As long as she doesn't want to go out when it's 120 outside. That's what piddle pads are for!
November 2015 Update:
Taz went over the rainbow bridge that September... [View full bio]

Ruthie Author of 1 story
Email: | ruthies-JA-hotmail.com |
Joined DWG: | 11 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |

Sabine Author of 1 story
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P0 (1940) |

Joined DWG: | 04 Feb 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Location: | Alabama |
Joined DWG: | 05 Jun 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Clueless |
I have been making up stories since I was just a kid. I use to write plays and me, my sister, and our neighbor would act them out. I decided to try my hand at serious writing as a means of stress relief. I am really enjoying the experience.

Email: | san.platt-JA-yahoo.co.uk |
Location: | England |
Web site: | http://www.thehiddentower.net/penandink |
Joined DWG: | Can't remember, but around 2006 I think |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I am more of a lurker than a poster, but have done some writing (one short story and one long archived here - a few others at my own website). Am currently working on a sequel to the longer story. [View full bio]

Sanna Author of 3 stories
Joined DWG: | 03 Aug 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
A casual fanfic writer, whose native language is not English. I was a Dwiggie in the good old 1990s: I wrote my Pride&Prejudice-The Sound of Music comedy, The Von Darcy Family Singers or The Sound of Pemberley then.
My proudest achievement: Second Chances 2014. [View full bio]

Email: | Varyalanis-JA-yahoo.com |
Location: | Out there, I call it... (Americans would say 'Holland', but I prefer 'the Netherlands') |
Web site: | http://varyalanis_s.livejournal.com |
Joined DWG: | 14 May 2009 (finally, after years of lurking and bookmarking) |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sanditon |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
After getting Pride and Prejudice recommended by my heterosexual and male English teacher, It soon became clear that I was in the proces of becoming thoroughly corrupted by Miss Austen's writing. My fanfiction addiction had been established some years earlier; fairly soon following my descent into the world of anime. It is no wonder, indeed nothing could be more natural, that I should combine the two. Which brings me to the inevitable (and predictable) conclusion of my story: my joining the DWG.
Now, should there be any questions after this riveting, but vague account, feel free to message me.

Location: | Canada |
Joined DWG: | 16 Mar 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I discovered Jane Austen at age 12, and have been obsessed ever since. I love all the adaptations (I own all of them...and I MEAN all of them), and watch them very often. Everything can be cured by Jane Austen in my life :)
Reading is my greatest passion in life, I can never be without a book at hand (and usually have more than one on the go at once). My other passion is playing the piano. If you took everything from my life but left me with a book and my piano, I would still survive.
I love reading fan fiction, I write a lot of it myself, but as of yet have not had the courage to post any.

Location: | North Idaho |
Joined DWG: | 10 Aug 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
Hi! I am Christian, home-schooling, SAHM with three kids (soon to be four), and I am a Jane-a-holic. I use Emma for therapy after a stressful day with kids, Persuasion for a rainy day escape from reality, P&P when I feel young and vibrant, Mansfield Park when I feel mature and virtuous, and Sense and Sensibility when I want some drama. I don't have a problem... Oh, and I've seen every single Jane Austen movie remake that there is (I didn't say I LIKE all of them, but I've seen them). My boys already know at the ages of 2 and 4, that if Mommy is getting fizzled out, that they recommend a "mommy movie" and we drop everything we're doing, cuddle up on the bean bag chairs, and watch Emma 2009.
What am I doing here? I wondered if I was possibly crazy after realizing that I spent quite a bit... [View full bio]

Ailurophile, bibliophile,needlewoman, gardener, history freak, artist.
I suppose I can now describe myself as a professional writer as I am now making close to a living wage from original work! I would generally otherwise describe as a homemaker who writes and paints.
This has been an exciting year for me, with my first original Regency being published, and I am also breaking into the cover art market. [Anyone who is interested can find some of my artwork on Pinterest at: http://www.pinterest.com/sarahjwaldock/]
I am intolerant of grossly careless anachronisms in stories, which is more likely to make me refuse to read something than dodgy spelling and grammar.
I'd like to grow old disgracefully but I don't have time.
[View full bio]

Location: | Breckinridge County, Kentucky |
Joined DWG: | 17 Apr 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | oregon |
Joined DWG: | 28 Apr 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Rotterdam, the Netherlands |
Joined DWG: | Somewhere in the early 2000's |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

ShannaG Author of 5 stories
Location: | Arizona |
Web site: | http://marmies-musings.blogspot.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 06 Jan 2014 although I lurked for many years |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I was a writer until about the 5th grade when I seem to have stopped. I have been an avid reader since 3rd grade. By the end of the summer after 3rd grade, I had graduated to the adult section of the local library, having read all of the books in the children's section. I always used the books I read in my games, so I have always created fan fiction adaptations, just didn't know that's what they were. When searching for a new house, the first requirement is always enough space for the books. I have had a varied career and although most of it followed a high tech pathway,I had detours teaching both music and dance. Whatever I have done, I have tried to make the world a better place, and have found great satisfaction in teaching, both in the arts and in technology. [View full bio]

Location: | Brea, California (Southern Cal) |
Joined DWG: | 26 Sep 2007 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hi All! I am a 40 something married mother of two, who works part time as a Dental Hygienist. I am very involved in my church and lead my daughter's Girl Scout Troop. I check all my fav fanfic sites almost daily and trying to keep all the stories straight in my head is good mental exercise for me! I admire all the authors on the DWG, you are all very talented. Thank you for making my world a better place!

Location: | Iowa |
Joined DWG: | 14 Feb 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am (or was) a reluctant convert. My mothers friend gave me P&P for christmas when I was 10 and I couldn't stand reading it! I was very much a si-fy person and didn't have time for anything that didn't involve dragons or fairies. But when I was 12 I went to a church camp and met my very first dwiggie! She had me hooked in two days, it took 1 regency hairstyle (lots and LOTS of bobby pins!), a long discussion on Mr. Darcy and I was hooked! I now enjoy watching Collin Firth as often as I can, in most cases I am either accompanied by my Father (the movie makes him laugh) or my brothers (who deny the fact that they like it). I attempted one story a couple years ago, and hope to eventually find the time to go back, brush it up and finish!

Shemmelle Author of 31 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Australia! |
Joined DWG: | er...um 1999 mid?! |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
Marchioness of Mayhem, Keeper of the Harem.
I think that might sum me up...maybe!
Except beware of me I will come sleep on your couch and eat your food if you aren't careful :P [View full bio]

Location: | France |
Joined DWG: | 2003 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Am too lazy to write

Location: | Netherlands |
Web site: | http://sietskeneele.livejournal.com |
Joined DWG: | Around the year 2002 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | A whole 'nother country |
Joined DWG: | Um.... what year is it? |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I am so boring it isn't funny. Move along.

Location: | Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Joined DWG: | 10 Jun 2008 to the NEW DWG, but have been reading and commenting since the very beginning |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
I share a birthday with DWG--February 3rd!

stacy Author of 10 stories
Joined DWG: | 14 Mar 2012 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I am...mom of two little ones, a high school English teacher, and a moonlighting photographer. Add to my short list of "accomplishments" that I am an avid reader.
I have loved JA since I was a kid, thanks to Mom. She bought all the old BBC adaptations and I vividly remember pretending not to like P&P as I watched Mr. Collins prance about at the Netherfield Ball. But it wasn't long before I was popping the VHS tapes in on my own, and just a little longer before I was reading from the massive 'Collected Works of Jane Austen'. My reading interests are varied, but JA will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm not sure what it was that prompted the full-fledged obsession, but here I am. [View full bio]

Email: | shurd-JA-triolotion.com |
Location: | Connecticut, USA |
Joined DWG: | 23 Jun 2013 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
In my fifth decade, I was introduced to Jane Austen by, oddly enough, the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice; since then Austen’s works have consumed much of my free time. Reading one of the companion series to Pride and Prejudice, I was sufficiently unsatisfied to attempt my own. Now in my sixth decade, my interest remains undiminished.
When not reading JA or writing, I teach fencing and karate, and polish samurai swords. I have a Ph.D. in neurochemistry, a couple of Bachelor degrees, and an abiding love of literature.

Steve Author of 2 stories
Location: | Virginia |
Joined DWG: | 04 Jul 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Fort Mcmurray, AB |
Joined DWG: | 15 Aug 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Susan C. Author of 2 stories
Location: | Madison, WI |
Joined DWG: | 28 May 2009* |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | NA2 (2007) |
My first Jane Austen experience resulted from the Wishbone P&P adaptation. It intrigued enough to have me reading the book. In fact, I read it in a single snow day. My English teacher that year introduced me to THE Darcy adaptation and we giggled over the cuteness of Colin Firth quite a bit over those first few months.
The questions up above are so very hard. Of course, I love P&P, but I think I've felt so sad at the neglect of the others that they've climbed in my favor. Anne Elliot is one of the most beautiful people ever written. Jimmy's "Gentleman from Glouchester" never let me see NA in the same way and is responsible for that #2 ranking up there. The recent Masterpiece Theater adaptation of the book more than surprised me in its retelling (and I've watched it far, far, far,... [View full bio]

Location: | Oregon, USA |
Web site: | http://austenarium.com |
Joined DWG: | July 1999 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
I started writing Jane Austen fan fiction in 1998 and haven't stopped. [View full bio]

Location: | Southern New Jersey/Philly, USA |
Joined DWG: | August 2009, but have been lurking for a while |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |
I first discovered Jane Austen when I was 18, and saw E2 for the first time. I was utterly enchanted and immediately went out and got a copy of Emma and read it. I have been enjoying JA for the last 13 years since. After seeing P&P3, I have been especially obsessed. I have read all of JA's novels and shorter stories many times and have been devouring lots of fan fiction, as well as watching many of the adaptations.
I have a B.A. in History from Roger Williams University. I currently work at a bank, but always thought I should have been a writer or an editor. (Perhaps I will post some of my writings on DWG when I become more comfortable.) I love music and I play piano and sing. I am an historical fiction buff, I love to read and write, and love movies. I am an animal lover and currently... [View full bio]

Suzanne O Author of 21 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | central Texas |
Web site: | http://larasormiston.blogspot.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 17 Nov 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I'm a Christian, a wife, and the mother of three young children. I've always liked to write but have always had a hard time coming up with original ideas. Then I discovered JAFF, and now I can't seem to stop writing. Fan fiction allows me to engage in two of my favorite past times simultaneously--analyzing existing literature, and creating my own. [View full bio]

Suze Author of 2 stories
Location: | Victoria, BC, Canada |
Web site: | http://suzanlauder.merytonpress.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 18 May 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm a novelist, traveler, wannabe chef, sustainability champion, and Jane Austen fanatic. In real life I work at a university. I have a husband and two cats and a beautiful ocean view from my condo on Vancouver Island, in Canada.
In April 2009 (age 49) I had never read Jane Austen, so I decided to read an old worn Northanger Abbey that was somehow in my library. I was hooked. Within a few weeks I had read them all, and P&P twice, and was reading every P&P inspired book in the local library plus bought P&P&Z. I started searching for more and in July 2009, found JAFF and DWG. I started writing in November 2009, and submitted my first short story about a year after I first read P&P.
I have two stories here at DWG, my very first ones, and hope to post my next one here, too. It's called "Letter... [View full bio]

Sybil Author of 8 stories
Email: | darcyluvslizzy-JA-gmail.com |
Location: | USA |
Joined DWG: | Feb. 2006 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I rediscovered Austen's genius after seeing P&P3 on Christmas Eve 2005. Questions from my family arose about some details of the story and, since I hadn't read the book in a while, I began searching Online for answers. Not long after, I also happened upon Pamela Aiden's trilogy. In her author's notes, she makes mention of the DWG. Intrigued, I checked it out and the rest, as they say, is history.
I've been married to a wonderful husband for what seems like forever (in a good way) and have a very talented daughter, who also enjoys Austen's works. I've participated at a few other non-Austen fanfiction sites, but have found none to equal the DWG. [View full bio]

Tabbi W Author of 29 stories
Email: | destini2000-JA-hotmail.com |
Location: | Michigan |
Joined DWG: | 1999 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sanditon |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |

Location: | Southern United States |
Joined DWG: | 24 Oct 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | S&S3 (2008) |

Tamsin Author of 7 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Camrose, Alberta Canada |
Joined DWG: | 1998 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
It has been ages since I joined DWG, I was probably thirteen when I first started lurking and fourteen when I started posting my stories.
I have fallen off the radar screen of DWG since joining the real world in 2003 - i.e. when I began university. I have since abandoned that endeavour, completed an administrative assistant program and began work for the same university in their Development Office. Ironically, once I started working there and discovered the tuition program available to employees I have slowly started to finish the aforementioned (and now no-longer abandoned) degree. According to my calculations, at the current snail's pace I'm going, I should be graduating in 2018 - just a few years behind schedule!
In Spring 2011, my better half and I bought a house in a small little... [View full bio]

Tanisha Author of 14 stories
Location: | New York |
Joined DWG: | 1998 sometime... |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
When I first discovered DWG, we still had dial-up at my house! Many hours of enjoyment have been logged since then. I love reading all kinds of stories, but can only manage writing "serious" ones myself. [View full bio]

Location: | Rather not say ;) |
Joined DWG: | 27 Sep 2015 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
Hello hello! I found this site when I was twelve and read a lot of the stories. Knowing this site is very old, I'm pretty much joining out of curiosity as to whether or not this place is still alive.

Email: | teresa-JA-elegantextracts.com |
Location: | The Tidewater of Virginia |
Web site: | http://www.elegantextracts.com/ |
Joined DWG: | 1999 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P0 (1940) |

Terry Author of 3 stories
Location: | WV |
Joined DWG: | 21 Jul 2008 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma4 (2009) |
Most of my childhood I have lived overseas. Now, due to family health issues and the proximity to my college of choice, I live in WV and go to college full time now, majoring in Biology Pre-Med. I was homeschooled, and have several siblings, including a brother-in-law that was added to the fold 2 years ago. I love kids, and want to become a pediatrician or an OB/GYN,and a wife and mother. I have strong opinions about a lot of things, but don't air them most of the time, out of consideration for my fellow humans. One of my nicknames is "The Grim Reaper", and occasionally I live up to that in the humor department. I lurk most of the time, but try to leave a review when I really like the story, or when the story has said something that confuses me.
Beware! I am grim, and my name means reaper... [View full bio]

Location: | Belo Horizonte, Brazil |
Joined DWG: | 24 Aug 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Emma |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P3 (2005) |

Location: | Twin Falls, Idaho |
Joined DWG: | 15 February 1997 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
I still love JA FF after all these years. I am a grandma now and am still teaching school. My main contribution to the DWG is archiving.

Email: | tjgolematis-JA-Gmail.com |
Location: | Michigan USA |
Joined DWG: | over a decade ago |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Sense & Sensibility |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm also known as mamatree at other JAFF sites. Never posted a JAFF at DWG, but I have a short one posted elsewhere. If you are curious and over 18 y.o. send me an email for more info!
BTW - the small case "t" was a typo that I decided to leave as is on purpose to be more recognizable and different. My real name is actually Theresa Jean but I'm rather lazy to type it. ;-)
I like to be "helpful" (especially when folks are looking for a story) but as I'm a "senior citizen" my memory is not so good these days so I prefer to read completed stories and "wait IMpatiently" for WIPs to be completed!

Tobe Author of 4 stories
Joined DWG: | At Austen.com's 5th year anniversary |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Emma |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Emma2 (1996) |

Trinity Author of 3 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Orange County, California, USA |
Web site: | http://www.sarah-sue.com |
Joined DWG: | 28 Feb 2011 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I was first introduced to Jane Austen when my older sister was doing a Pride and Prejudice project for an English class when I was 9 years old. Now many years later I am an fanatic!
I first found DWG after becoming a member of the Republic of Pemberley. I've been lurking around for a while, thoroughly enjoying all the talented writers here.
This is the place I go when I need cheering up; being in the presence of others who appreciate Jane as much as I do always makes me smile. :) [View full bio]

Ulrike Author of 37 stories, Contributer to ANI
Location: | Austria, the Western region (Yep, that's important.) |
Web site: | http://ladysusan.livejournal.com |
Joined DWG: | Can't remember. Seems like ages ago. Some time in 2000 I guess. |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
ANI Contributer: | Yes |
I'm a teacher of history and English (and a couple of minor subjects) in secondary school.
In college I became acquainted with JA; unfortunately I decided to start my JA experience with MP, which put me off for a while. MP is not a good place to start on JA, I've found. After having seen the 1995 P&P adaptation I decided to give JA another chance, and fell in love.
I started writing JA fanfic in summer 2000, when I didn't have much else to do. It began as a kind of therapy and escapism, and has become my main hobby in the meantime. My other hobbies include reading, and music.
My main haunt at DWG is the ANI board, where I post my original, non-JA based stories. Though I do write the occasional fanfic piece just for the fun of it. [View full bio]

ValT Author of 3 stories
Joined DWG: | 18 Feb 2010 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Northanger Abbey |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |

Email: | admin-JA-jaffindex.com |
Location: | Canada |
Web site: | http://www.jaffindex.com |
Joined DWG: | Lurked since 1999, posted stories in 2007 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Mansfield Park |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
My Austen-related career:
- Read P&P for the first time in 1971 (thus dating myself!), the other five soon afterwards, and saw the late 60s "lost" P&P version on TV.
- Lurked at DWG & BoI since 1999 and at other sites as they appeared.
- Started writing my own Austen fanfic stories in 2004, and posted the teen-suited ones at DWG in 2007.
- After compiling the lists that preceded it for a few years, learned web design and MySQL (I'm a retired database programmer/analyst) and put the JAFF Index online in 2006.
And although I note P&P2 as my favourite adaptation, I also like P&P3 very much, and the Bollywood B&P. [View full bio]

Wendi Author of 4 stories
Email: | wendi5-JA-optonline.net |
Location: | Long Island, NY |
Joined DWG: | 17 Oct 2009 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Pride & Prejudice |
Second favorite JA novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite JA adaptation: | P&P2 (1995) |
I'm the mom of triplets born in 2000, each have mild autism and severe allergies and other stuff going on, and it seems like I'm constantly having to fight with the school or someone is sick - so this site is my escape from all that!
I've been reading and re-reading JA's works for years. I became interested in FF recently and cannot seem to get enough of JA FF.
I am truly enjoying all your works. Thanks to all the authors here and to the people who run this site!
[View full bio]

Location: | California |
Joined DWG: | 02 Dec 2014 |
Favorite Jane Austen novel: | Persuasion |
Favorite that isn't P&P: | Pride & Prejudice |
Favorite JA adaptation: | Pers2 (1995) |
I did not start reading Austen until later in life. The first one I read was Persuasion and I feel in love with Austen as an author. To this day, Persuasion remains my favorite of her books with P&P and S&S close seconds.
I enjoy Austen fanfiction and have been reading Derbyshire for many years. I finally decided to join the baronetage. Maybe I'll post a story here one day. :)

Send comments, questions, problems, or suggestions to Crysty. Last update 2/12/2017.

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