LisaW   (phorum profile)

Location:Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined DWG:07 Jan 2009
Favorite Jane Austen novel:Persuasion
Favorite that isn't P&P:Pride & Prejudice
Favorite JA adaptation:Pers2 (1995)

Favourite authors, in order: Jane Austen, JRR Tolkien, Robertson Davies, Bill Bryson, Jasper Fforde. Oh yeah, and that Shakespeare guy.

I do not write fanfiction myself, but I have great pleasure in seeing the performances of other people! But if I had even a smidge of creative ability, I would arrange for the following JA characters to meet the Doctor: Sir Walter Elliot (who better to take him down a peg? Or possibly feed him to a Weeping Angel?), Miss Bates (because she deserves to have some fun), and Mary Bennet (who might actually be interesting if she expanded her horizons a bit).

Age: old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway

Personal: married, no kids, 2 very demanding cats

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