This was my review after 20 pages:
(I tried to describe the first 20 pages to Arleen thusly: well Darcy hates that he married Elizabeth. Is a politician who somehow in his past fought Napoleon and hates his womanly son Who he wishes would just be manly.He controls everyone's lives dolling out the money
and thisis page er...20?)
And then the CAVE and it being a sheet. She could have escaped at any time.
And the whole chapter about Horse Urine.
See I can't be upset I read it because it was one glorious What in the World, What in the World, What in the World that you can just horrify people with. I mean at this distance I can view it with fondness but at the time I was so very annoyed
However it probably is the reason I no longer buy books unread! Unless by a very very very trusted author.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2010 12:20AM by Amy I..