(very minimal spoilers)
I recently read Suzzane Arruda's
Mark of the Lion which was her debut novel back in 2006 and the start of her
Jade del Cameron mystery series. I have to say that it was such a great book. Taking place at the end of WWI, Jade, an American, finds herself in British East Africa trying to solve the murder of her almost-finacee's father's death several years before. Of course a great many other mysteries begin to unfold as she's there. The descriptions of Africa are so vivid I felt I was on the safari too, the characters are well developed and fun, and the mystery is very intriguing mixing not only murder and myhem but also African mysticism and culture in the early 1920s.
I haven't as yet gotten a chance to read the other six novels that are in the series, but I would definitely reccomend this first one, even as a stand alone. It was marvelously written.
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