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Capital Capital

April 05, 2013 02:13AM
Does anyone else’s copy have all the capitalized words mine does? I just find it amusing what gets a capital (it’s not every noun, as in German). Here’s one:

“[Lady Denham’s] Character served to lighten the tediousness of a long Hill, or a heavy bit of road, and to give the visiting Young Lady a suitable Knowledge of the Person with whom she might now expect to be daily associating.”

It might be part of why I find the writing so funny – the capitals make everything a bit portentous but the sentiments are funny so it all seems more comic on contrast.

“She was as thoroughly amiable as she was lovely, and since having had the advantage of their Sanditon Breezes, that Loveliness was complete.”

Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Carol PApril 04, 2013 07:04PM

Lady Denham

Mari A.April 05, 2013 03:56PM

Re: Lady Denham

LiseApril 05, 2013 06:50PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 02:28AM

Capital Capital

JanRApril 05, 2013 02:13AM

Re: Capital Capital

ShemmelleApril 05, 2013 12:17PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

JanRApril 05, 2013 02:12AM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Carol PApril 05, 2013 05:05PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Mari A.April 05, 2013 05:32PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 07:31PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

LiseApril 05, 2013 07:55PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Mari A.April 05, 2013 07:41PM


Mari A.April 05, 2013 07:53PM

You beat me to it ...

ShemmelleApril 05, 2013 10:12PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 02:22AM


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