My first impression after finishing chapter 3:
Charlotte appears to have two potential romantic interests (Mr. Parker's brother and Sir Edward Denham), and two potential friends (Miss Denham and Miss Bereton). I can't help but wonder if Clara really is the model of virtues which Mr. Parker calls her--I can't help but think of Lucy Steele. In fact, I thought of S&S often, since that book is also full of rich old ladies who must be pleased for the sake of their money.
Don't get me wrong, I truly feel for the position Clara was in--the poor relation of relations!--but the fact that so much praise has been heaped upon her, not in JA's own words but Mr. Parker's, makes me suspicious. Of Charlotte we see nothing except that she has been kind to the Parkers, listens with amusement to all of Mr. Parker's descriptions, and is pleased at the idea of gaining a friend of good character and aimiable temper.