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April 05, 2013 07:53PM
I was curious about the name and did some research on wikipedia (I know, I know ...)

It appears that as a surname it has a fairly long history. There are Anglo-Saxon roots to it, though folk etymology has it also going back to forms of St Denis, and thus (Norman) French. One of the most notable Sidneys in history is perhaps one of my favourite poets, Sir Philip Sidney, one of the first English writers of sonnets. From Elizabethan until early Georgian times, the Earls of Leicester were Sidneys. In the 18th century, a Townshend was created Baron Sydney and later elevated to Viscount Sydney; the Australian city is named after him. This Barony/Viscountcy was still extant in JA's times.

The use of Sidney as a Christian name seems to go back to one Algernon Sidney, an English republican whom Charles II had executed for treason in 1683. It seems that the name was more popular in post-Independence USA than in Britain for precisely those Republican, anti-monarchical leanings which I gather were more en vogue on the other side of the pond ;-)

I don't know if that has any importance for our Sidney Parker, but I figured I might just as well share my learnings.

"I want you to know that you matter. I want you to know that your lives matter, that your dreams matter." (Barack Obama, 03 June 2020)

Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Carol PApril 04, 2013 07:04PM

Lady Denham

Mari A.April 05, 2013 03:56PM

Re: Lady Denham

LiseApril 05, 2013 06:50PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 02:28AM

Capital Capital

JanRApril 05, 2013 02:13AM

Re: Capital Capital

ShemmelleApril 05, 2013 12:17PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

JanRApril 05, 2013 02:12AM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Carol PApril 05, 2013 05:05PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Mari A.April 05, 2013 05:32PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 07:31PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

LiseApril 05, 2013 07:55PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Mari A.April 05, 2013 07:41PM


Mari A.April 05, 2013 07:53PM

You beat me to it ...

ShemmelleApril 05, 2013 10:12PM

Re: Sanditon Group Read, Chapters 3-4

Suzanne OApril 05, 2013 02:22AM


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