Jim D. Greetings. I don't ask you to do anything but accept my opinons as just such and nothing more. (-:
Lizzie say's of Jane:
You never see a fault in any body. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life.''I do but be realistic in saying all the Bennets girls lead very sheltered lives. Apart from the odd walk/shopping trip to Meryton, some gossip and socialising at a couple of close neighbours and a monthly assembly, nothing much seems to happen beyond a rousing family chat about Fordyce's Sermons, a backgammon battle occasionally and maybe a bit of terpsichore to Mary's pianoforte, oh, and Lizzie hurdling a style or two whist walking. Upper/middle-class, no employment to trouble them and, in Jane's case, seemingly a real home-bird who is the one who looks after the children. Mary is studious, Kitty and Lydia senseless and Lizzie fiesty and with a little more "quickness" than the rest. Jane, at twenty two and five times prettier than anyone else has presumably had some male interest besides the sonnet scribbler with a taste for fifteen year olds. That said, Bingley apart there is little romantic activity in her life mentioned anywhere. Darcy accepts she is pretty but "smiles too much" and Wickham doesn't give her a second look. Mr Collins considers her for all of thirty seconds before moving on to Lizzie. Lolita she isn't. Bingley appears to be the love of her life. Personally, I think she and he would make a fine pair of Staffordshire pot figures for the mantlepiece. (-; Anne Elliot is much more mature and we do get to know a lot about her character. Jane Bennet is far more a background figure. We finish up glad for her happy ending, but in my case, little more.
As to fanfics, they are but the product of modern imaginations and little to do with anything. Jane Austen's book/books is/are the only unarguable canon. I read P.D. James's
Death Comes to Pemberley ( which I though awful) and watched the BBC miniseries (with a blue-eyed Lizzie) unimpressed.
Lost in Austen was harmless and quite hilarious and I've seen it twice because it never attempts to be anything but spoof and Amanda Root is brilliant in it. None of it is relevant in any way. To me, fan-fic is just jumping on the Austen bandwaggon. Sorry if that upsets anyone. It isn't intended to.