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Re: betas wanted

July 03, 2016 01:34AM
Thank you for the help. When I tried to fetch:


I got Redirected to:


Where I could Not get through the "Create account" tedium. Should have been easy, but they want malignant access to my computer by; "In order to sign up for a Google Account, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Learn more" came up. However, they do not have a way of enabling javascript in a browser on a platform that does Not support the toxic javascript.

Apparently, googledocs is Not a platform INdependent. Oh, well: Back to the drawing board...

"The avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote." -Ambassador Kosh Naranek

betas wanted

Suzanne OJune 27, 2016 06:06PM

Re: betas wanted

Rae ElaineJune 30, 2016 01:49PM

Re: betas wanted

Suzanne OJuly 01, 2016 02:40PM

Re: betas wanted

Rae ElaineJuly 01, 2016 11:34PM

Re: betas wanted

Harvey S.July 02, 2016 10:32PM

Re: betas wanted

Rae ElaineJuly 03, 2016 01:34AM

Re: betas wanted

EliJune 29, 2016 06:39PM

Re: betas wanted

Suzanne OJune 30, 2016 05:04AM

If you ladies...

Suzanne OJune 28, 2016 08:13PM

Re: betas wanted

Shannon KJune 28, 2016 01:23PM

Re: betas wanted

mpinneyJune 27, 2016 08:36PM

Re: betas wanted

Suzanne OJune 28, 2016 05:13AM

Re: betas wanted

LizzySJune 27, 2016 08:35PM

Re: betas wanted

Suzanne OJune 28, 2016 05:15AM


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