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Looking for a story

March 07, 2019 04:35AM
I'm looking for a story I read many years ago. All I can really remember is that Darcy leaves Netherfield determined to forget Elizabeth and goes back to London. While he's there he sees a dress and anonymously sends it to Elizabeth at Longbourn and she and her family have no idea who it's from. He may have sent more gifts too but I can't remember anything else. Can anyone help me find this one? I'm not sure where I read the story but I thought maybe it was on this site.

Looking for a story

Olivia LMarch 07, 2019 04:35AM

Re: Looking for a story

LynneRobsonMarch 30, 2019 02:47PM

Re: Looking for a story

Sandy CMarch 07, 2019 12:01PM


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