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Re: Question

January 15, 2015 04:13PM
I have been an avid reader of both historical and period fiction since I was a child and was a history major in college. My college thesis was actually about stuff going on in the US Revolutionary War in New Hampshire. I have pieced together how I thought things would have worked both from present day homesteader types (they still follow some of these recipes), a lot of research, and also used Jane Austen's England by Roy and Lesley Adkins. Believe it or not, there are actually sites devoted to such things as the history of laundry. I have some books from places like Old Sturbridge Village, in Massachusetts, that are such things as an herbiary from 1840 and some other historic references that I have read over the years. For the rest, based on having been reading books from the period and about the period, I am extrapolating. Hope this helps.

Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

ShannaGJanuary 14, 2015 04:55PM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

LisetteJanuary 15, 2015 08:58AM


LisetteJanuary 15, 2015 08:58AM

Re: Question

ShannaGJanuary 15, 2015 04:13PM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

Jim D.January 14, 2015 11:31PM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

ShannaGJanuary 15, 2015 04:06PM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

AlidaJanuary 15, 2015 01:34AM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

terrycgJanuary 14, 2015 11:03PM

Re: Almost Persuaded Chapters 25 and 26

Teresa DouglasJanuary 14, 2015 08:54PM


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