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February 02, 2015 07:10PM
Seems I have missed out a couple of lines, which i've not noticed when I copied and pasted which might have seemed less confusing.Dunno how I missed them, sorry! I had more of an explanation written down, but ended up taking it out because it was getting a bit heavy handed which is why the few lines went in.

Maria V basically hit the nail on the head the way I had it. Longbourne came via Elizabeth's family due to being only daughters, and went to Thomas being the first male born. With his having daughters aswell, it would pass onto Mr Collins instead.

'Fraid James has only one wife (lol at lots), Lavinia. Teddy and Amelia are both siblings. There is a bit of an age gap between them admittedly, but I didnt really think it was weird. Although my brother is 17 years older than me it maybe it just seems less weird to me?? tongue sticking out smiley I make Teddy about 20/21, Lizzy 19 and Amelia about 3.

Margaret is the younger sister of Thomas. She lives in London with her husband aswell as the girls' grandmother.

Does that help any?? tongue sticking out smiley

Darcy and Lizzy are coming up honestly, there just wasnt much interaction between them from where i started.

So sorry the confusement. Like I said, haven't written in an age so there is bound to be a couple of booboos.

Thanks tho, sometimes you need some pointers out. I'll try get an edited version done at some point

Nat x

They Played Together As Boys - Chapter 2-3

NatCRJanuary 31, 2015 10:18PM

Re: They Played Together As Boys - Chapter 2-3

ShannaGFebruary 02, 2015 04:20PM


Maria VFebruary 01, 2015 12:16PM

Re: Confused

LisaFebruary 01, 2015 11:22PM

Re: Confused

Maria VFebruary 02, 2015 08:18AM

question regarding family line

MomoeFebruary 02, 2015 03:46PM


NatCRFebruary 02, 2015 07:10PM

Re: apologies...

MissGouldingSeptember 28, 2018 06:03PM

Confusement? :-)

TashaFebruary 03, 2015 01:18AM

Re: They Played Together As Boys - Chapter 2-3

terrycgFebruary 01, 2015 06:09AM


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