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another interpretation

February 04, 2015 04:27PM
Oh! I reread it from that perspective and can totally see how such an interpretation is justifiable. ::smacks forehead:: Thank you so much for saying so. This also helps me understand the diversity in responses--I expect you’re not the only one to read it that way. It would not be difficult--the work of a sentence or two--to make it clear the final scene is not a flashback, or even to make some of the earlier clues less subtle. But it does raise the question of whether it should be attempted. Perhaps the story is stronger for the ambiguity, however unintended, and readers can interpret it as they wish. In any case, your initial reading may be the more profound.

~ Renée


Renee BFebruary 02, 2015 05:30AM

Re: Ephemera

EvelynRoApril 01, 2015 05:20AM

So moving! (nfm)

IasantFebruary 28, 2015 10:38PM

Re: Ephemera

Suzanne OFebruary 20, 2015 04:07PM

Re: Ephemera

Renee BFebruary 21, 2015 04:13AM

Re: Ephemera

Suzanne OFebruary 22, 2015 03:17PM

Re: Ephemera

Lucy J.February 07, 2015 06:01AM

Re: Ephemera

JoannaFebruary 06, 2015 07:41AM

Re: Ephemera

jancatFebruary 04, 2015 04:54PM

Re: Ephemera

TarynFebruary 04, 2015 12:19PM

Thank you! (spoilerish)

Renee BFebruary 03, 2015 04:51PM

Re: Thank you! (spoilerish)

Maria VFebruary 04, 2015 08:17AM

So did I (nfm)

LisaYFebruary 06, 2015 08:38PM

another interpretation

Renee BFebruary 04, 2015 04:27PM

Re: another interpretation

LisaFebruary 04, 2015 11:05PM

Re: Ephemera

KimberlyFebruary 03, 2015 03:37AM

beautiful!!!! (nfm)

LisetteFebruary 02, 2015 09:03PM

Re: Ephemera

Sarah WaldockFebruary 02, 2015 08:38PM

Re: Ephemera

ShannaGFebruary 02, 2015 04:55PM

Re: Ephemera

AdelaideFebruary 02, 2015 04:50PM

Explaining the title

Renee BFebruary 02, 2015 06:35PM

I'm so glad I asked!

AdelaideFebruary 02, 2015 07:01PM

Re: I'm so glad I asked!

Sarah WaldockFebruary 02, 2015 08:39PM

Re: Ephemera

kberlinFebruary 02, 2015 03:38PM

Re: Ephemera

gioFebruary 02, 2015 03:07PM

Re: Ephemera

MariFebruary 02, 2015 01:43PM

Re: Ephemera

LisaYFebruary 02, 2015 02:44PM

Re: Ephemera

Renee BFebruary 03, 2015 04:56PM

Re: Ephemera

StarryFebruary 02, 2015 09:07AM

Re: Ephemera

LucieFebruary 02, 2015 05:58AM


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