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Re: Ephemera

February 20, 2015 04:07PM
I finally got around to reading this. Gorgeous, and so moving. I had to go back and re-read it all when I got to the end, in order to try to understand how Elizabeth could have been alive all along. You were very subtle and clever about it--especially the "letters Elizabeth would never write again." I would have been okay with her dying, because as you say, death will come eventually anyway, even as it has come to them in the form of their children. Yet I am glad to think of them continuing on together.

I do have one question--the image Darcy thinks of, Elizabeth dancing with three children. Is this supposed to represent the three that died, or three living children they have now? I am mother to three never-born children of my own, so that particular part of the story particularly spoke to me. I never had to suffer through a still birth, thankfully.


Renee BFebruary 02, 2015 05:30AM

Re: Ephemera

EvelynRoApril 01, 2015 05:20AM

So moving! (nfm)

IasantFebruary 28, 2015 10:38PM

Re: Ephemera

Suzanne OFebruary 20, 2015 04:07PM

Re: Ephemera

Renee BFebruary 21, 2015 04:13AM

Re: Ephemera

Suzanne OFebruary 22, 2015 03:17PM

Re: Ephemera

Lucy J.February 07, 2015 06:01AM

Re: Ephemera

JoannaFebruary 06, 2015 07:41AM

Re: Ephemera

jancatFebruary 04, 2015 04:54PM

Re: Ephemera

TarynFebruary 04, 2015 12:19PM

Thank you! (spoilerish)

Renee BFebruary 03, 2015 04:51PM

Re: Thank you! (spoilerish)

Maria VFebruary 04, 2015 08:17AM

So did I (nfm)

LisaYFebruary 06, 2015 08:38PM

another interpretation

Renee BFebruary 04, 2015 04:27PM

Re: another interpretation

LisaFebruary 04, 2015 11:05PM

Re: Ephemera

KimberlyFebruary 03, 2015 03:37AM

beautiful!!!! (nfm)

LisetteFebruary 02, 2015 09:03PM

Re: Ephemera

Sarah WaldockFebruary 02, 2015 08:38PM

Re: Ephemera

ShannaGFebruary 02, 2015 04:55PM

Re: Ephemera

AdelaideFebruary 02, 2015 04:50PM

Explaining the title

Renee BFebruary 02, 2015 06:35PM

I'm so glad I asked!

AdelaideFebruary 02, 2015 07:01PM

Re: I'm so glad I asked!

Sarah WaldockFebruary 02, 2015 08:39PM

Re: Ephemera

kberlinFebruary 02, 2015 03:38PM

Re: Ephemera

gioFebruary 02, 2015 03:07PM

Re: Ephemera

MariFebruary 02, 2015 01:43PM

Re: Ephemera

LisaYFebruary 02, 2015 02:44PM

Re: Ephemera

Renee BFebruary 03, 2015 04:56PM

Re: Ephemera

StarryFebruary 02, 2015 09:07AM

Re: Ephemera

LucieFebruary 02, 2015 05:58AM


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