Peter, I have been enjoying your story and I recognize your right to write Bingley as you wish.
But this is
your Bingley. That's not the same as Austen's Bingley, and certainly, she meant for him to be the second lead in the book. I think she meant for readers to like him and admire him. Is he flawed? What Austen character is not?
I am perfectly comfortable with your take on Bingley, although it is not mine. I agree that your Bingley does not deserve Georgiana, but I think that Austen's Bingley would not left Jane in these circumstances once he realized she cared. Yes, Darcy says he has often seen Bingley in love but I think Austen intended us to see Jane as Bingley's big love, and to see his willingness to give her up as an act of selflessness.
I may write something more in the Tea Room about this because I am sure the board admins do not wish me to go on any further here.