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Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

March 23, 2015 03:06AM

“ Perhaps, if her Ladyship went out on the lake in a boat and ordered it to, the pike may just be intimidated into obeying orders and jump into a net.
LOL! I love this Lady Catherine--the queen of her own little realm.

Mr. Collins was a noble hero. Nice!

Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

Jim G.MMarch 19, 2015 02:57PM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

Lucy J.March 23, 2015 03:06AM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

Shannon KMarch 21, 2015 03:51AM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

terrycgMarch 20, 2015 03:01AM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

MariaKBMarch 20, 2015 02:00AM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

LucieMarch 20, 2015 01:47AM

Re: Hunsford Tales. A Veritable Fisher of Men

AlidaMarch 20, 2015 12:12AM



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