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Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

May 01, 2015 01:59PM
I don't disagree with any of your points rally.

I do think that there are works out there where he is called out although I cannot remember which they are.

It is, I also think, a measure of the confidence, misplaced I concede, that he holds in his opinion that he does not disclose to Bingley his machinations until after they return to Hertfordshire some 5 months later. We are not privy to his thoughts but I suspect that he believed that Elizabeth's partiality for his sister biased her opinion and that, despite his words, he thought she saw more than was there. Otherwise, he would not have relied on his opinion being changed when he saw the Bingley-Jane interaction when Bingley returned to Longbourn.

I am not trying to find excuses for Darcy. After all, JA did not ever explain his reasoning and we are left to suppositions and guesswork - which only makes the exercise more interesting. And also provides opportunities for aspiring writerrs to rework the plot.

Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

PeterApril 28, 2015 12:58PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

terrycgApril 30, 2015 05:45PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

Amy HApril 29, 2015 02:31PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

JeannineApril 29, 2015 04:25AM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

Maria VApril 28, 2015 07:45PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

PeterApril 28, 2015 08:06PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

mpinneyApril 28, 2015 08:44PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

PeterApril 28, 2015 09:17PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

Maria VMay 01, 2015 11:01AM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

PeterMay 01, 2015 01:59PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

Lucy J.April 29, 2015 07:57AM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

Shannon KApril 28, 2015 04:38PM

Re: Walk With Me - Chapters 4 & 5

ShannaGApril 28, 2015 04:19PM



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