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May 01, 2015 12:30PM
Surely, "The End" is a typo?

You've just started! How about 3-4 more chapters? One from her POV, showing how she appreciates having her opinion truly heard and how she observes Tom taking her advice seriously and trying to improve himself? (It would be flattering for any person, knowing that they have so much influence over another.) Some quiet nights playing cards and discussing freely everything under the weather? And starting to realize that being indispensable for one's happiness trumps being the consolation prize? (I am not against Edmund/Fanny, but JA left too much for my imagination to not see their story as the "good enough" couple. I always want to be convinced that Fanny found a person that fully appreciates her and Crawford could not be that one as one little wiggling finger of Maria made him focus on his hormones and forget Fanny.) And then a conclusion where Fanny is truly happy in her marriage, while Edmund starts realizing that he should have focused on her and not Miss C and finally maturing a bit in this respect and eventually finding a truly amiable woman to learn what true love is? Just 3-4 chapters of goodness and some character growth for all three smiling smiley

(And as I'm on a demands-mode, let me also demand that you deliver in less than 2 weeks. I'm then due! :-p )

They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

EC MattonMay 01, 2015 11:53AM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

Marilyn GSeptember 19, 2015 09:33PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

ShannaGMay 06, 2015 05:37PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

Lucy J.May 05, 2015 04:16AM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

Agnes BeatrixMay 02, 2015 08:01PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

LisetteMay 02, 2015 07:08PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

Victoria LisaMay 01, 2015 09:59PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

Amy A-NWMay 01, 2015 08:14PM

Re: They Walked In The Aftermath [A Mansfield Park Ficlet]

RatnaMay 01, 2015 05:26PM


Maria VMay 01, 2015 12:30PM

Re: typo

EC MattonMay 01, 2015 12:34PM

Re: typo

Meg EMay 05, 2015 07:50PM

Re: typo

Victoria LisaMay 01, 2015 10:15PM

Or, another suggestion

AdelaideMay 03, 2015 05:39PM


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