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Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

June 11, 2015 01:24AM
Right-- sorry, should have explained this before: I was having a miserable time trying to figure out how to end the story (hence the delay), so I went back to the beginning and started editing (this became the published version). In doing so, I (hopefully) cleaned up some internal inconsistencies, timeline problems, spelling, grammar, etc. (I've got my peeks and peaks straight now, but don't start with compliments and complements... and what the heck is the singular possessive for mistress and countess???). Anyway, those of you for whom such errors are like fingernails on chalkboard, I suggest you try the published version. I'm going to leave the original version archived on DWG because it contains some sections that I like but trimmed from the published version. Unfortunately, that means that chapters 63 - 66 have a few inconsistencies with the rest, such as Almida/Alameda.

Someone also pointed out that I sent Caroline Bingley off to the continent but never really tied her off, so I may add a little drabble about her.

Sound OK?

Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Jean M.June 04, 2015 05:13PM

Is there a Chapter 62?

Beth UJune 09, 2015 07:02PM

Re: Is there a Chapter 62?

Amy I.June 09, 2015 10:12PM

Re: Is there a Chapter 62?

Jean M.June 11, 2015 01:05AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

LisaDJune 09, 2015 03:59AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

LeaJune 10, 2015 11:57AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Jean M.June 11, 2015 01:24AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Lucy J.June 07, 2015 06:17AM

Lovely chapter (nfm)

LisetteJune 05, 2015 11:01PM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

terrycgJune 05, 2015 09:24PM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Shannon KJune 05, 2015 08:21AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Linnea EileenJune 05, 2015 06:43AM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

Kathy BerlinJune 04, 2015 06:03PM

Re: Tapestry of Lives, Chapter 64

ShannaGJune 04, 2015 05:39PM


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