October 31, 2015 05:42PM

Does she shoot him and THEN drown him?

Darcy Saves the World

Nearly Headless ShemmelleOctober 31, 2015 05:40AM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

Lucy J.November 09, 2015 01:28AM

Hah, didn't see that one coming. (nfm)

LisetteNovember 03, 2015 10:26AM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

KEvelynNovember 01, 2015 04:19AM


Horridly Lurking JaroOctober 31, 2015 10:42PM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

Meg EOctober 31, 2015 05:42PM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

Bloody MariOctober 31, 2015 05:48PM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

Cindy C.October 31, 2015 02:03PM

Re: Darcy Saves the World

UlrikeOctober 31, 2015 12:29PM


junewilliams7October 31, 2015 08:01AM


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