Thank you each for letting me know that you enjoyed the story. It’s always very encouraging to hear from readers--and particularly right now while I’m feeling vulnerable about having released a book and am bound to receive more critical reviews. I realize I haven’t been very active on DWG lately (real life stuff like my husband’s job, a super-busy toddler, and the publishing process limit my online time), but I still so much appreciate the special community here. Thank you for making it what it is.

And a few specific responses:
Debra Mc
This is delightful! I'm in the middle of a big project, and this was a charming read as I took a break.
Congratulations on your collection of stories being published! I will head to Amazon so it can always be on my Kindle!
Glad to afford you a fun break! Thank you also for your support not only for my first published book, but also over the years at DWG.
Beautiful words! Lovely imagery!
Thank you so very much and I wish this would be archived so I could read it again and again!
So happy you were pleased with the story, and I’d love for you to reread as often as you like! Please do feel free to copy and keep it for yourself. Alternatively, I’d be happy to email you the pre-formatted pdf (just send me a request at renee dot beyea at gmail dot com), or you can subscribe to my email newsletter at my website ( and the final email confirmation provides a link to download.
Jim D
That's what "DNA" means?
Renee, why don't you want it archived? Is it going to be part of a short story collection or anthology?
Good question! This story isn’t slated for a collection at this point, but I’ll willingly share my reasoning. I’m new to publishing, and a tip I’ve run across repeatedly is the importance of developing an email subscriber list. Offering a free story in exchange for signing up is one way to encourage subscribers. That’s how I intend to use this story over at my website. I didn’t want the story archived because it seemed a trifle disingenuous to ask readers to subscribe (implying they’ll receive an ‘exclusive’ story) when it’s readily available here. But neither did I want to miss out on the joy of sharing with Dwiggie friends. By giving it only a limited run at DWG and not archiving, I felt I could do both with integrity. But if you have other ideas, I’m glad to entertain suggestions.
Wow! Just perfect! Your descriptions of the emotions, actions, situation-- all so vivid and heartfelt. Thank you.
Wow! Thank
you, EvelynJean, for your generous review. That's music to an author's ears.