I thought this group might appreciate this telling of Beowulf. Written by myself and my husband.
It was prompted by his linguist interests, where a new thought in the linguist world is that the PROPER translation of the word referencing Grendel's mother was "noble woman" rather than "witch," and his knowledge of Norse culture. Combined with my long held interpretation of Grendel's description and behavior, and knowing how people treat those who are ... different ... this is the result.
Skjaldmóðir by Michael Z. Williamson and Jessica SchlenkerA second version will be posted to Baen's site next month, where we worked backwards from THIS version towards the words which would have been in use at the time of the first telling.
"Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart." -- Miles Vorkosigan, "Memory", Lois McMaster Bujold