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A Novel Idea
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Let's file this under "things that are important to remember to put in your flipping author notes": http://www.dwiggie.com/derby/old_2009/susanc.htm Ahem. Thanks to Alida for pointing it out!by Susan C. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Urgh, my bad: http://www.dwiggie.com/derby/old_2009/susanc.htm. Try that! I thought you could get to it through my profile.by Susan C. - Tea Room
AN: Yes, I started this story in 2009. Yes, I had a debilitating case of writer's block. And yes, I've literally thought about this story off-and-on for the last five and a half years between major life events. Today, for no particular reason, I figured out the annoyingly obvious answer to my problem. I'll attribute it to being older and wiser. This is a quick chapter to get back into the swby Susan C. - Derbyshire Writers' Guild